25 Pounds of Muscle in 30 Days

In Mental Mastery, Strongman Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

It may sound unbelievable, but let me tell you a story…

Almost two years back I ran an experimental group with a few Inner Circle members.

All of them self-proclaimed “Hard Gainers”.

The aim was packing on size over a 30-day period. (Okay, it’s not 100% muscle, but a good portion of it is. When you’re seeking fast mass in a short time frame that comes with the territory.)

Using hypnosis everyone got results!

Here’s just a few of their comments. And there are before and after pictures too, if you’re interested in seeing those let me know.

“The hypnosis track was essential to my gains. Eating that much and training that hard is not easy to maintain for 4 weeks, but every time I was struggling for motivation, key words popped straight into my mind “muscle growth”, “ravenously hungry”. I listened to the hypnosis in a morning, it made me feel bigger. I trained, which made me feel bigger. I ate, making me feel bigger. Before bed i listened to the hypnosis, which made me feel bigger. It was quite a powerful experience, because I constantly felt bigger, my mind was always telling me I was bigger and it kept showing on the scales. I enjoyed doing this and I’m really impressed with the power of hypnosis.”
– Chris Wooler

“The Muscle Growth hypnosis definitely works. I ate two to four times a day what I normally eat during the program. I found phrases of it coming into my mind often, especially when eating or exercising.”
– Tom Collier

“The hypnosis track definitely gave me more motivation to complete my calorie count for the day. Overall, the hypnosis tracks definitely helped me, and I will use them when I begin another program.”
– Roberto Barbieri

Personally, I was engaged in the same challenge along with them.

My bodyweight is normally between 180 and 185. I like being at this bodyweight.

And during this challenge I was up, closing in at 205, the biggest I had ever been.

Twenty-something days into the challenge.

But then I played football with a group of friends. When I was tackled I landed poorly on my shoulder causing a strain.

(As I mention in The Indestructible Body, you shouldn’t be hurting yourself from training, yet impacts including from sports can certainly still “destruct you”.)

I couldn’t even lift my arm up to shoulder height the next few days.

I tried to continue but, alas, it took the wind out of my sails. I didn’t even get after pictures.

The good news is that I did eventually heal up and rehab myself back to 100%.

The pictures you see here are from the first time I used hypnosis to gain muscle. This second experiment was going even better.


And thus this wonderful project also got sidelined…until now.

So this hypnosis is not quite brand new.

The script has been sitting on my hard drive for over a year, incomplete. So I dusted it off, made a number of tweaks, re-recorded the audio in higher quality, and now it’s live.

If muscle gain is your goal check it out.

In the quick start video that comes with it I talk about what you need to do if you want to gain mass quickly like this.

And if you’re taking the slower, more gradual approach, how to use it then.

If you don’t care about muscle size, like me, besides this experiment so that I could prove it to myself that I could, then stay tuned. Many other focuses are coming.

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