Different Kettlebell Styles

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Tomorrow I will be attending the American Kettlebell Club Certification under World-Champion Girevik Valery Federenko. For those of you who do not know, Girevik is Russian for kettlebell lifter. If you don’t know much about kettlebells read my article What is a Kettlebell and Why Use One? I am not sure exactly what to expect. Previously I had been schooled in the Hard-Style of kettlebell training as popularized by Pavel and Dragondoor. In fact, when I first attended the RKC there was a guest teacher there and that was Valery. What he displayed was impressive.

For the first time I saw the differences between Hard-Style and Girevoy Sport lifting techniques. A talk by Brett Jones on that day about the two styles still stands out in my mind.

Not too long ago a rift occurred in the organization and part of it had to do with the supposed ‘real’ style of kettlebell lifting.

My goal with this is not to enliven the flames and hatred of some people who are so set in one style that they can’t see the benefits of another method. My philosophy is to learn from (and get good at) everything.

Personally I am not going to knock any style of training that works and makes you stronger and more fit. The way I see it now, is that both have there uses.

Will I be singing a different tune after these two days? I doubt it, but time will tell.

The big picture that this brings up is why do you train the way you do and what are you shooting for as your end result?

I will keep you updated on the happenings and see if I can get some video up of the event (at least some of us playing around with the bells).

My goal at this event is to increase my kettlebell lifting technique, broaden my horizons, become a better coach, and of course, have some fun.

I’d be writing more but the drive down to LA was long and now I’m tired. Stay tuned tomorrow for an update.

In strength,
Logan Christopher

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