Each Sport Has Big Lifts by Jedd Johnson

In Strongman Mastery by admin2 Comments

This is a guest article from Diesel Crew’s Jedd Johnson. In every strength sport, there are one or two lifts or events that ALL the competitors look forward to testing themselves on and that the audience can’t wait to see. In Powerlifting, it’s the Bench Press. In Strongman, it’s the …

Angus MacAskill

In Strongman Mastery by Admin12 Comments

Angus MacAskill was one of the tallest man in history (without growth abnormalities) born in Scotland in 1825. He was officially added to the Guinness Book of Worlds Records in 1981 as the tallest man in recorded history (7ft 9in) and a man with the biggest chest measurements (80 inches!). …