Walking on Hands

In Bodyweight Mastery by admin1 Comment

Here is a great question on the value of walking on hands versus standing on them. “Hey Logan I just now started to do the frogstand and I can do it for a long time. I’ve been learning the handstand and couldn’t find my balance and I can walk all …

Over and Underbalancing in a Handstand

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

“Hey Logan, just a short question on the handstand, how do you get control when you go towards under balancing ( I think…I’m new to all this, hehe)? Because when I over balance I just push the floor with my fingers, but when I under balance I just have no idea …

Tuck Planche Training

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

“Hey, I’ve been working on my planche and I went from the frogstand to the tuck planche and I’m kinda stuck there, so anything you got to help would be appreciated.” Mike Without seeing a picture or video I can’t tell exactly how your tuck planche is looking. But most …

Planche Training

In Bodyweight Mastery by admin2 Comments

The quality of the questions coming in has, for the most part improved. Here’s a great one on planche training from Josh, “hey ive just learnt about planche a few weeks back and have looked up many ways of progression towards a full planche, i know it is not an …