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Strength is a Skill (What does this mean?)

In Health-Mastery by admin3 Comments

What does it mean when you hear strength is a skill? This quote, originally from Pavel Tsatsouline, changed how I viewed strength. I read through his book, The Naked Warrior, applied some of the techniques and was instantly stronger. That had never happened before, and it instantly opened my eyes …

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Practicing, Training, Testing

In Mental Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Number 5, this is kind of an idea I’ve developed and found very useful.  Understanding the difference between practicing something, training, and testing. So with testing, this is where you’re in a competition or you’re really going all out, see what you can do — this is where you break …

Visualization 101

In Mental Mastery by admin1 Comment

Welcome to Visualization 101. When I introduce people to how mental training can make them stronger, more fit, and achieve the body they want, I’ll often hear one of two things: “I can’t visualize.” …or… “I suck at visualizing.” If you think you’re in either of the above cases, then …

Practice is a Meta Skill

In Mental Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

I describe practice as a meta-skill. Meta means over or above, thus this means it’s a skill set over and above other skills. Basically, if you get good at “practicing” you can apply that to anything. If you get good at lifting weights you may only be good at lifting …