The final act was that of the twin brothers, Vladimir and Anatoliy Shustov known as Power Acrobats. In my opinion, this was the most enjoyable one of them all. Something about the combination of outstanding stunts, music, and humor in it all.
Partner tricks are an altogether different beast then single person balancing, although many of the fundamentals are still the same. That the person on the bottom is responsible for doing most of the balancing job. It also requires great strength to hold someone in many of these positions.
The man on top most keep themselves in very good position so that the under-stander can balance them. In most cases the person on top will be smaller and lighter (such as was the case here). It will take great skill to stay in a tight position and tohead to one arm balance keep your balance. If you think it is hard to hold a handstand on the ground, just try it on top of the arms of someone else!
In hand-to-hand balancing there are many different balances you can pull off. Many of them are not even hand-to-hand, but hand-to-head, head-to-foot, head-to-head, and many others.
How they got into position for the head-to-head balance was classic. They grabbed a small piece of equipment to make the balance easier (this greatly helps but inside The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing you can see pictures of others doing the head balance without using these). Then they put their heads together and walked toward the wall. By pressing against each other the top man continued to walk up the wall and, voila,
he was right into a head balance. After crossing the stage they made their way down the other side.
Overall, the entire show was well worth seeing. I encourage you to go see any performances of this kind whenever you have the chance. Not only do you get to see some true masters of their arts but you can learn a thing or two along the way.
If you build up your skills to a respectable level then you could put on a performance of your own. While it probably won’t match the level of professionals it can surely entertain and astound others. One of the things you can pick up at shows like these is how to structure an act to best please your audience.
I wish to extend my thanks again to the whole crew for putting on the incredible performance.