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Rear Neck Lift and Roll

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

The rear neck lift and the rear neck roll are two exercises that I’ve never really seen covered elsewhere. The first is an isometric (either a hold or with added force) and the other is a moving neck exercise. Watch them here. Text neck is about forward flexion as well …

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Mental Muscle Training Intensive Sneak Peek

In Uncategorized by adminLeave a Comment

The Mental Muscle Training Intensive is my deepest dive on the topic of all things mental training. From a live workshop that took place in Austin, Texas you’ll deep dive into visualization, state management, anchoring, hypnosis, language patterns, internal self-talk and more. Here’s just a few of the things I …

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Joint Mobility as Detox

In Health-Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

My wife, who is still battling Lyme, and I were on a call with her naturopath last month. (She’s doing far better than she was, though still not out of it. Thanks for asking.) The doc said something interesting that I hadn’t heard before. Joint pain can be a symptom …

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Attack of the Form Nazi

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin7 Comments

I’ve been attacked by a “Form Nazi” on YouTube…. Normally, I don’t engage but I was feeling playful that day. And since I think it was instructive (except to the troll of course) I’m sharing the debate with you below. The video in questions was “How to Snatch Heavier Kettlebells” …

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Superman Plank Finisher

In Bodyweight Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

I’ve been using this combination superman plank finisher as the finisher for my core workouts lately. (A finisher is an exercise meant to finish you off in essence, though I’m still not going to failure in it.) This is a combination of one arm, one leg superman planks on each …

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Super Human Workshop Blooper Reel

In Uncategorized by adminLeave a Comment

In between sets and reps, we all need a moment to breathe and, more importantly, laugh a little! We often think of fitness as this serious, sweat-drenched pursuit. And it very often is. But there’s also room for a whole lot of joy, unexpected surprises, and yes – belly laughs. …

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My First Beast Pullup

In Mental Mastery, Strongman Mastery by Logan Christopher1 Comment

This video shows my first ever successful Beast kettlebell pullup. That’s an added 48kg or 106 lbs. It’s ugly but pretty much everything is the first time you do it. This is a big mark of progress towards my goal of the Beast Tamer Challenge. My system of How to …