Musculoskeletal Injuries: The Role of Nurses, Taking Care of Yourself, and More

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Imagine this: You were attempting to lift heavy weights at the gym without proper practice. This sudden physical stress, unfortunately, led you to develop a musculoskeletal injury. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that this condition can limit muscle dexterity and mobility as it hurts your bones, ligaments, muscles, or joints. On average, there are 1.71 billion people in the world suffering from musculoskeletal injuries. 

Reports suggest that 36% of people who get this injury hurt their upper body, while 45% of people hurt their back. Irrespective of where your musculoskeletal injury occurred, you’ll need thoughtful care to ensure healing and prevent complications. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the ways to heal your injuries, discuss how you can prevent this from happening again, and more.

How Can a Professional Nurse Help?

Professional nurses will have all the knowledge needed to take care of your extreme musculoskeletal injury. Hiring them will be a strategic decision that significantly enhances your recovery outcomes. However, you must check whether the nurse is registered in your state and has a proper degree.

The nurse will either have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or an Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (ABSN). According to Online ABSN Programs, BSN is an undergraduate-level course, and ABSN is designed for aspirants who already have a bachelor’s degree. 

BSN degrees will take the nurse four years to complete, whereas ABSN only requires one to two years of studying. Till today, the debate of BSN vs accelerated BSN has been a hot topic in the nursing industry. In both courses, the individuals must complete clinical hours and similar coursework. Moreover, both degrees require students to take the challenging NCLEX-RN licensure examination. 

All that means you don’t have to worry about the exact degree the nurse had. Irrespective of whether they have completed a BSN or ABSN course, the professional will have enough knowledge to help you deal with musculoskeletal injuries. These include the following:

  • They’ll have specialized knowledge of orthopedic care to accelerate rehabilitation and minimize complications.
  • The nurses will help administer the medication and assist you in performing exercises for physical therapy.
  • They can provide you with tailored treatment plans for pain management and healing.
  • Their invaluable support will guide you through the recovery journey by addressing any concerns.

On average, nurses can charge you USD 30 per hour, depending on the type of injury and care required. By entrusting your care to these professionals, you can experience a smoother recovery process. 

How Can You Take Care of Yourself After a Musculoskeletal Injury?

Sometimes, the musculoskeletal injury won’t require a nurse’s care. Instead, you will need self-care strategies to optimize the recovery process. Take a look at the three ways you can regain functionality post-injury:

Focus on Proper Nutrition

Doctors believe that proper nutrition is the cornerstone for speedy healing. For instance, you’ll need a balanced diet of essential nutrients to support your body. These include the following:

  • Protein: Eat eggs, nuts, fish, beans, and cheese. Ensure that each serving gives you three to four ounces of protein.
  • Carbohydrates: Have bread, rice, and potatoes. Avoid refined sugar, as it can increase bacterial growth. 
  • Vitamins: You need leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, and multivitamin tablets. Vitamins A, C, and E are required to promote a healthy healing process. 

You’ll also need minerals (calcium and zinc). These can enhance the metabolic process and help you recover from musculoskeletal injuries. Being hydrated is important, so drink enough water, milk, or soup daily.

The Do’s and Don’ts

Resting will allow your body to naturally heal the injury and avoid further strain in the area. Doing so can allow you to focus your overall energy on healing. Follow these tips to cope with the pain:

  • Avoid smoking or drinking to prevent inflammation.
  • Stretch the injured area as advised by a healthcare professional.
  • Take all the pain medications and supplements prescribed.
  • Use the RICE method on the injury and keep the area elevated.

You should also avoid going to the gym in this condition. Any strenuous physical activity can exacerbate pain in the injured area. 

Do Not Skip Therapy

Let’s say you’re under the guidance of a doctor. This healthcare professional might ask you to perform physical therapy. Rehabilitation includes endurance exercises, pain management techniques, etc. 

Specific exercises and stretches can help your musculoskeletal health in the following manner:

  • Restores the strength of your muscles and spine
  • It ensures flexibility in your joints
  • Increases the range of motion in the injured area

You shouldn’t skip therapy, as it can reduce the risk of reinjury by addressing underlying imbalances. Moreover, the use of compression bandages during exercises can also aid in faster recovery by reducing swelling.

How Can You Prevent Musculoskeletal Injuries in the Future?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and carpal tunnel syndrome can increase the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. That’s why you must visit a doctor to rule out these underlying issues. 

Let’s say your injury was caused by external stimuli. Then, you can follow these tips to prevent future risks:

  • Always maintain good posture when working out.
  • Limit any repetitive movements.
  • Regularly stretch your joints and muscles.
  • Practice the correct lifting techniques.
  • Pay attention to fatigue, stiffness, and pain.

Apart from this, you should invest in ergonomic workstations, proper footwear, and the right bed. All these can help maintain strong bones, muscles, and joints to prevent musculoskeletal pain.

In summary, caring for a musculoskeletal injury requires proper assistance, rest, and nutrition. For instance, you can restore your well-being and body functionalities with a comprehensive approach, consistent care, and patience. That’s the only way to mitigate tendon pain, promote tissue repair, or reduce muscle inflammation. 

Did you know that the American musculoskeletal disease management market is set to grow at a CAGR of 23% by the end of 2030? This proves that the medical industry is doing everything to fortify the human body against injuries. They’re focusing on developing new, non-invasive virtual therapies and enhancing telemedicine. 

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