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Joint Mobility as Detox

In Health-Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

My wife, who is still battling Lyme, and I were on a call with her naturopath last month. (She’s doing far better than she was, though still not out of it. Thanks for asking.) The doc said something interesting that I hadn’t heard before. Joint pain can be a symptom …

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Aggression in the Gym Part 1

In Health-Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Get pissed off! Let’s talk about channeling aggression… You certainly don’t want to take this out on people for a wide variety of reasons. But to simply bottle it up inside is not good either. Very much culturally accepted…but not healthy. For some the bottling up process comes out in …

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Breathing Out Anger…

In Health-Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

A while back I purchased the breath ebook and loved it but have since fallen out of my routine due to external factors such as school, relationships, etc. I was wondering out of all the breathwork you teach, what is the most successful in neutralizing anger? I was looking in …

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Box Breathing vs Upgrade Your Breath

In Health-Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Got a quick question and answer for you today. Outside the Box Breathing vs. Upgrade Your Breath? Should these be addressed in a certain order? Which one to start with, please? And which one is ‘better’ if you’re able to comment on that? Thanks!Paul Outside the Box Breathing is a …

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On Inflammation and Recovery

In Health-Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Got a great topic for today that there seems to be some debate around. Ville asks: I’ve read some of your work on deceptive strength, testosterone and muscle control but mainly I’ve read your articles and emails. It’s good stuff. I’d like your opinions on some things that been floating …

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Where to start at 70 years old?

In Health-Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

James asks: “I am 70 years old and have done very little exercise (mostly walking) since I retired a few years ago. I am thinking about getting one of two courses that you have to start. Would you recommend I get the flexibility course or the stand up course to …

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The Future of Healing…

In Health-Mastery, Mental Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

The other week I posted a message with my case against personal trainers. (If you missed that you can read it here.)  That contrarian perspective yielded a lot of response, but people agreeing and disagreeing. Today I specifically want to share a message from Tyler I’m a personal trainer and …

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More to Movement than Meets the EYES

In Health-Mastery by Logan Christopher2 Comments

Paul, a subscriber send me this video the other day. It’s worth the watch. It’s about how your eyes and how they change up your posture and movement. Summed up in the statement, “Eye exercises are a quick and efficient way to instantly align our posture and decrease our pain.” …

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My Favorite “Shoes”

In Health-Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Going barefoot is great for your health. Over-engineered shoes can’t compete with the natural architecture of the foot. Secondly, you can get the benefits of earthing or grounding when touching the bare earth. (In case you missed it, that’s covered in my Grounding Report here.) But we do use shoes …