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My First Beast Pullup

In Mental Mastery, Strongman Mastery by Logan Christopher1 Comment

This video shows my first ever successful Beast kettlebell pullup. That’s an added 48kg or 106 lbs. It’s ugly but pretty much everything is the first time you do it. This is a big mark of progress towards my goal of the Beast Tamer Challenge. My system of How to …

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Full range vs Partial range

In Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Image from Should you be doing full range lifts exclusively? Or are partials useful? Rick sent in this response to a recent email on pullups… “I ,too , have had much experience with pullups. I found adding weight and getting super strong was the single best way to increase …

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Strongman vs. Smoking (Death)

In Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Scott asks: I enjoy the emails you send me about the old time strongmen and other topics. Every Sunday the folks at sends me a newsletter which often features a story about a well known pipe smoker.This is entirely anecdotal but it seems to me the pipe smokers outlive the strongmen …

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Saxon’s Training Plan?

In Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Per from Sweden asks… “I hope this e-mail finds you in good health. Recently, I bought your old strength course of the Saxon´s brothers. It´s a great course and I´m very grateful that you have recording the videos of the lifts they did. Since I have no one to ask …

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Physical Activity vs COVID

In Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Cast your minds back to a bit over a year ago… The pandemic had just begun in the USA and the lockdowns were still early. Sure, there was a lot more uncertainty at that time but some things were known. I’m talking about principles of health, i.e. those timeless things …

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The “Non-Workout” Workout

In Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

My training as of late has been different than most. Besides the occasional hill sprints, it is all of the form that Pavel Tsatsouline popularized as “Greasing the Groove”. This involves doing sets of an exercise throughout the day rather than in a dedicated workout time period. The goal is …

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Tips on Training Frequency

In Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Bob asks: “I am currently focused on getting my weight back under control and improving my card deck tearing. Currently I am working on completing as many military style burpees as possible in 15 minutes, jogging (more for the mental health aspect) and working on card tearing every 3 days …

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Is Arm Wrestling Key to Super Strength?

In Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

The following is a long question. It really only pertains to people that want to be very strong…although the principle could apply to those that just want to be decently strong too. PJ asks: As trusted to you before I’m interested in all things from the Golden Era (Sandow,Sass,Atom, Jowett, …

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Exercise Selection for Tabata Protocol

In Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Andy asks: “Could you recommend an exercise with the goal of reaching max heart rate in the shortest time (for a 4 min Tabata)? For ex, would light hang snatches work? Would isometrics work? Any info would be much appreciated.” Snatches would work, depends on how light you go. So …

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Epstein Lift 20 Seconds

In Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

I call this the Epstein lift because Epstein didn’t kill himself by hanging, and I didn’t either. I practice this in line with the oldtime strongmen, particular Farmer Burns, who did this as a test of neck strength. Please do not try this at home. This is obviously extremely dangerous. …