Your Training Can be Perfect
But Without Excellent Recovery You Have Nothing!!!
It’s like I had my Batteries Plugged In and was Being Recharged 100%…
Dear Friend,
I was on the table on the receiving end of a particular “energy” drill at a recent certification I was attending. Flashing through my mind was images of strength, of me hitting new moves and weights easily.
The accompanying feeling was one of POWER and STRENGTH.
Exercise physiologists will tell you that exercise doesn’t just tax the muscles but the Central Nervous System (CNS). When this is drained you can kiss your strength goodbye.
I had no clue this would happen. But after that one drill I felt More Alive than I had in awhile. But was I stronger? I had to put it to the test…
Since that occurred I’ve played around with this technique and others in more depth. I’ve truly come up with the Ultimate Recovery Formula.
I think back to hearing legendary wrestler Dan Gable state, “You have to work as hard at recovery as you do at training.”
And here I had stumbled on a secret method to do exactly that…
The problem was this method took time and a partner in order to do it. So I played with the formula and came up with something possibly even better. More on that in a little bit. First…
Your Recovery Foundation – 7 Part Video Series
Before I get to the advanced stuff it’s important you know, and practice, the basics. If you’ve been training for some time most of this won’t be groundbreaking information to you. Still there are things that most people don’t know like the effects of earthing as it relates to recovery. This 7 part video series covers everything I know on the subject.
- Introduction
- Systems of Recovery
- Training Effects
- Training Boosters
- Nutrition Boosters
- Lifestyle and Other Boosters
- Mental and Energy Boosters
That last section is where it gets interesting. It’s an area that no one else is talking about.
8 Minutes to Complete Recovery!?!

Pop these in and recover away…
I’ve combined my background in hypnosis and energy together into one powerful audio track.
The special breathing pattern with visualization hooks up several different energy systems in the body. (Energies which may become disorganized during a workout.)
A number of the patterns were modeled after the man who was responsible for having hypnosis accepted by the American Medical Association, Milton Erickson.
These sink deep into the subconscious mind, the part of you that controls autonomic functions of the body like blood flow, assimilation of nutrition and anything else related to recovery. This means you can recover faster and better than you would otherwise.
Once I have finished my workout I grab my iPhone which has the MP3 loaded onto it. I lie down and start it playing. Less than 8 minutes later I get up recharged and revitalized.
What happens?
Less Muscular Soreness! Feeling More Ready to go the Next Day which means More and Bigger PR’s!
It’s short because I know everyone is busy. Yet, lots can be accomplished in a short time.
And that’s not all. You’ll also get to download the Ultimate Recovery Formula Manual for even more information.
I’ve watched all of the videos and listened to the recovery hypnosis mp3 a couple of times after fairly taxing bodyweight training sessions. Both times I’ve bounced right back and trained the next day without any difficulty. Yesterday I had a heavy weight session with my personal trainer- these usually take me at least two days to recover from before I’m ready to train hard again. Today I’m full of energy and trained as if I’d had a rest day yesterday. I think the hypnotic suggestions actually change the whole mindset to recovery even if you don’t listen to it. I find myself saying a lot of the things to myself on my way back home from the gym which I think starts my recovery right then. This is just great and I think it’s the best thing (along with the Wizards of Strength DVDs) you’ve released that I’ve read (I’ve read quite a lot!). I’m looking forward to and expecting better progress with my training going forward as a result of this program. Thanks for putting this together.
I don’t know exactly how it works but it just does! I can bounce right back from tough workouts and am progressing quicker with my training because of it. I’m training 6 days a week, twice most days now.
-Kevin Green
I love the Ultimate Recovery Formula because it’s quite comprehensive and even discusses things that are not Logan’s favorites. Thanks for that, it turns out that foam rolling helps me. Since I’m doing several things from it, it is of course hard to tell which ones are responsible for what, but recovery is the goal after all. It all seems to be helpful.
-Dave Murray
Your recovery program has revolutionized my attitude and experience of what exercise and a recovery program can be. I had never thought about how the earth and our bodies are electromagnetically charged. Now that I’ve tried your program, I’m a believer. The first afternoon I tried it, I was feeling pretty fatigued. Then after practicing the technique explained in your program and doing the relaxation meditation as best as I could recall (I do not own a mobile electronic device) for about 20-25 mins., I was very surprised at how relaxed, refreshed and tranquil I felt afterwards. Not only has your program changed how I recover but also my whole outlook on exercise. Exercising isn’t exercising anymore. I’m actually enjoying getting to be outside and experiencing the fresh air and moving my body in strengthening ways in a much more healthy and energizing environment. Thank you so for enriching and expanding my horizons of how to work towards a healthier and happier life.
-Kim Rangel
It has changed the way I think about recovery, it is not something that you have to wait to happen, you actively work as hard at recovery as development. Applying this information and listening to the audio I have greatly improved the recovery of the pain in my hips and knees after exercising to rebuild these joints after being very badly injured and I hope to progress to the jumping pistol squat. Also, I have felt confident enough to enter a 100 km in 24 hrs walk in aid of blind service personnel, and my weight due to inactivity and just plain giving-up had gone to 112 kg at 165 cm.
-Paul R Day.
I love the Ultimate Recovery Formula because I truly feel it is helping me recover faster and better tap into the mind body connection. As you know, this is huge for us athletes. The results I’ve seen from applying this information and listening to the audio are complete relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall feeling good about what I am doing. Again, this is an incredibly helpful tool and I really am on board with the recovering as hard as you are training concept.
-Tanner Gers
You’ll have to try it for yourself to see.
The Ultimate Recovery Formula Immediately Downloadable:
Just $67
New! Added Bonus: The One Minute Recovery Booster ($39.95 Value)
The hypnotic energizer track works amazingly well. But I’m always on the lookout for something even faster (when 8 minutes is too much).
I found another technique that works. While I can’t say it is quite as effective, the good news is it only takes a single minute to do!
You’ll also get access to the 8 page PDF that walks you through it and two videos, one of which is follow along. After your next workout you can watch this video, do the drill and get the results of better recovery!