Late last week I got confirmation that I will be an Assistant Instructor at the Russian Kettlebell Certification in San Jose, CA coming this February.
This will be my third time overall as an Assistant and I have to say each time seems to get better and better. This one will be no different.
There’s high level coaches of all sorts there and it’s a great opportunity to learn from them all. I’m talking about ANY question you have, you can get answered. Plus you have the fun of a group of people doing feats of strength over dinner, doing through several workouts a day, and you even get to apply all you’ve learned at the end.
Back in 2005 when I first went through the event it was a big turning point in my life.
Since they hold several RKC’s every year and have been doing it for a long time they’ve had lots of time to refine the system and it works great. Unlike some other seminars I’ve been to where they tell you ‘your suppose to do this,’ here they’ll give you several drills to make sure you ‘get it’ inside and out.
There’s just a couple spots left open as these things fill up fast. So I wanted to give you a chance to come out and join me.
And if you’re already signed up be sure to drop me a line or comment below and let me know so I can look out for you.
You can check out much more info on it here. San Jose RKC
Hope to see you there.
In strength,
Logan Christopher