Just because the majority of people suffer pain, fatigue, weakness and poor ability to move, doesn’t mean its normal. And if it is, I sure don’t want to be normal!
The human body is a wonderful thing. Its proper place is one of supreme health, vitality, energy and pain-free movement. But in order for it to get there you need to do certain activities. You have to put in the work if you want results.
Having limitless energy to conquer your day and feel great about doing it starts with the physical. If you body can and does move well everything else will come easier.
Even if you think you’re doing pretty well right now, how much better could it become?
My name is Logan Christopher and my goal is perfection. I recognize that I’ll never hit it, but by striving for it I just keep getting better and better. In doing so, I’ve studied all the top people in many different fields. Over the last few years I’ve spent over $100000 on my education alone, reading countless books, watching videos and attending conferences, seminars and certification programs.
In doing all that I’ve learned a great many things. One of them is this…
A Daily Routine is The Best Way to Maintain and Build Your Health and Wellness
And not just any routine. To get the best results you have to do the right things. And here’s a secret that no one is telling you. Just doing one thing alone will never be enough.
Every system promises to be a panacea for every problem and every person. Sadly none is. But if you take the best systems and put them together you’ll get even better results.
This is a unique program in that way. You won’t find anything else quite like it out there, because I’ve taken the best of the best and put it all together in a way that makes every work even better. This is the culmination of years of study and training. It is truly the best of the best. If its in here it is:
Maximal Effects in a Minimum of Time
The basics of this routine can take 10-20 minutes. It is designed to be customizable to your time and your desires. If you have more time you can use it. If you have less you don’t need much. Because I only put the best of the best stuff in here you’ll get maximal effects without spending hours.
You’ll feel the results on day one. And the true beauty of this program is it will only get better over time.
It’s not called how to feel like a thousand dollars. I want the best of the best. I want to feel so good I can’t be stopped. I know the results this program give leads me to a greater financial place, better relationships and an overall improved life. What wouldn’t be effected in your life by you feeling better and better every single day.
Yet too few people are willing to work for it. I’ll be honest, it does take some effort. But that effort more than pays for itself. Think about it this way…
Would you be willing to Sell Your Heart for a Billion Dollars?
I’m going to guess that your answer is no. If just one piece of your body is worth that much to you, should you feel like it?
The How to Feel Like a Billion Dollars Program is designed to be done daily first thing when you wake up. I think that brings the best effects, but if that time simply won’t work for you, any time is better than none.
This program is broken up into 6 main components.
Module 1 – Become Healthy
AKA Super Health Drinks
Did you know that the best time to take certain supplements is in the morning on an empty stomach? Why is this? Simply because you’ve been fasting and the body is ready to take on nutrition especially in liquid form, as the body is also dehydrated at this point. If nothing else you need to down some high quality water.
I’ll show you a number of different simple drinks to make:
- The Green Longevity Drink
- Super Herb Combination
- The Hormone Booster

This has more than just a green powder in it to help optimize your health (especially connective tissues)
Running Time – 22:18
Module 2 – Become Energized
Or The Missing Component from Most Health Systems
Meditation takes years to master. Same with Qi Gong or Tai Chi. Sure, there are benefits that make these things worth doing but who has the time to spend devoting yourself to these arts? I know I don’t.
But I found a different way that may be even better. For the past few years, I’ve been studying on the human energies. Most people don’t know but there are at least nine different ones in the body, all of which have different functions.
Now I could go off the deep end in how to work with these and what they’ll do for you…But I want to keep it simple. And the truth is the basic energy exercises you’ll find in this program are foundational. You get these running right and everything else kind of falls into place.
That’s why the How to Feel Like a Billion Dollars starts off with these drills to get your energies humming, before moving into the “movement“ portions of the program.
This module contains basics to be done every single day as well as additional add-ons for when you feel like you need it and have additional time.
Running Time – 01:17:02
Module 3 – Become Mobile
Or How to Become One with Your Body
That line may seem odd to you. But how many people really “own” their body. What I mean by this is they’re not held back by injuries, inflexibility, and lack of mobility. But by practicing movement you become better at it. In time, this allows you to be one with your body and in charge of what it does.
One of the best ways to do this is mobility training, though everything covered in this program also works to these ends. In this module I cover and layout four different forms of mobility, what they are, how to do them, how they’re different and the benefits of each.
- Basic Mobility
- Neurological Mobility
- Intuitive Mobility
- Myofascial Mobility
- Positional Mobility
You’ve never seen mobility covered in this manner before. By learning and doing these different styles you’ll become ever more in-tune with your body and increase its abilities to move pain-free for life.

If you search mobility in Google this is what you’ll find. But this is lack of mobility. Don’t let yourself ever need one of these.
If you search mobility in Google this is what you’ll find. But this is lack of mobility. Don’t let yourself ever need one of these.
Running Time – 01:10:46
Module 4 – Become Flexible
Or How to Maintain and Even Improve Your Flexibility in Just 5 Minutes a Day
The other week I wrote an article about advanced bridging exercises and shot a video to go along with it. I hadn’t practiced it at all in recent times I was somewhat shocked to find how an exercise that was so easy for me before was now very difficult. And there were a few things I couldn’t do at all, that previously I had done easily.
This occurred just from lack of use. I did lots of crazy things regularly but not maintained the flexibility I needed for these moves.
I don’t know about you but I don’t like stretching. It’s not fun and its time consuming.
But what if there were just 10 high payoff moves that covered your whole body? And you could do all of these in less than 5 minutes a day?
There is and it can be done. These don’t just allow you to maintain the flexibility but will actually improve it too, without the pain of doing static or isometric contractions, nor devoting half an hour to one stretch.
There is a beginner level that anyone can do on each of these. There is also several advanced levels that I’ll be showing you.
The majority of these moves are built around Dynamic Stretching, which is overall the best and most complete kind you can do for your health.
For the advanced person looking to gain flexibility for specific skills, like acrobatics or martial artists, I cover how to add that in here for best results.

This is not required flexibility, as other moves are, but if you choose you can become this or even more flexible.
Running Time – 01:10:53
Module 5 – Become Strong and Skilled
And How to Make the Routine Your Own to Achieve Your Goals and Desires
This really isn’t a program to get in shape and get stronger. I have plenty of those available elsewhere.
If you like to workout in the morning, this routine will serve as the perfect and most complete warmup you can do. If not, it’s quite complete as it is.
Still I wanted to give you additional ideas in this module on what sort of additional workout you can do and a few Big Payoff exercises to add in.
For someone looking to get started with training, this is a great way to ease into it with some pure movement.
- One Tool that Works Every Cell in Your Body
- You’ve done mobility, now learn one great move for Stability
- How to become Insanely Strong with almost no effort by following this model
- Making this Routine Truly Your Own…
- Become a Master of Movement with this One Idea

Building the strength and skill that you desire fits in perfectly here.
Running Time – 28:49
Module 6 – Wrap Up
Or Closing the Routine to Accelerate Results
Just ending the routine without doing this part, could have much lesser results than when its done properly. Short bu extremely effective.
- Tying in the Start and End in the Same Way
- How to Properly Visualize Your Goals
- Use of Daily Focus

Focusing on your goal, mentally, on top of physical action will accelerate your results
Running Time – 08:12
Instructional Videos and the Follow Along
Each module has an instructional video where I walk you through the drills and exercises, explaining what they do and how to do them.
And I also wanted to show you the routine in full to put it all together so one morning I filled exactly what I did.
Running Time – 36:26
As I emphasize over and over in the videos this isn’t really meant as a follow along, but to give you an idea of how the routine is done. My desire for you is to take all this information, incorporate it into your life, and make the routine yours.
Over 5 Hours of Video
There is tons of information packed into these videos. Like I’ve mentioned this is a lifetime of studying, my own experience and the experiences of those I’ve learned from, all compiled into one source, to help you best feel like a billion dollars every single day.
We’ve established the fact that you wouldn’t trade even a Billion Dollars to give up your heart, despite the fact that you may not feeling a like a billion. Yet, by following this program you can. The question is how much would it be worth to you?
Don’t worry. I’m not charging you a billion dollars for it, nor a million. Although if you were rich and on your deathbed what wouldn’t you pay to gain back your vitality and youthful movement? Sadly I can’t give it to you that way, but if you take this opportunity now you can gain longer years and more life in them.
On that note this program could sell for $1000 and it would be worth it. If you look at all the money I spent myself in acquiring this information for you, it would be more than worth it.
Here’s the deal. Later on I will be selling this program for $297. It’s a steal for the benefits you’ll gain from it.
Today you can get it for just $197.
It’s available in immediately downloadable form. Nothing to print or ship so I can pass the savings right onto you.
Look, you can’t find this information in other places. Some of it I came up with myself. And if you did want to try here are just some of the places you’d have to study to gain this information. Energy Medicine, Strength Training, Yoga, Stretching, Acrobatics, Chinese Tonic Herbalism, Nutrition, Superfoods, EFT, NLP, Z-Health, Muscle Control, Mind Mastery Training, Animal Flow, and much more. Just one thing here or there could be the difference maker for you.
Creating a list of the people I’ve learned from would be at least five times as long.
As always, your purchase is backed by our 90 day Money Back Guarantee.
After you order you’ll be taken to the download page where you can grab all the videos. Go ahead and click the add to cart button below. On the next page you’ll click to checkout where you can enter your Paypal or credit card information. The whole process will take about one to two minutes, then you can be on your way, diving into all the videos on the download page.
The one routine designed to get your day started and leave you feeling the best you possibly can. All this with a money back guarantee. How to Feel Like a Billion Dollars DVD SetDISCONTINUED
Or Digital Downloadable Version
![]() If you don’t feel like this is worth every penny you can get a full refund no questions asked. If you order the books & DVDs we’ll ask that you send them back. Just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. This is 100% risk-free. All the risk is on us, as you can download it right away and take three months to decide if it’s worth it to you. |
Don’t Blame Me if You Don’t Feel Like a Billion Dollars
If you decide this is not for you, that’s fine. Just don’t come complaining to me in the future when your body hurts, your health is down, or doesn’t move as well as it use to. Don’t blame me that you don’t know what you need to to keep your body, both physically as well as energetically, where it ought to be, as I’m giving you the chance right now.
Now is your opportunity to fine-tune your body to turn it into the perfectly running machine it can be.
In strength and health,
Logan Christopher
P.S. I’ve decided to include a frequently asked questions section that may answer any lingering questions you have. If your question isn’t answered here, just let me know what it is and I’ll be sure to answer.
Q: Will it still work if you do it less than daily?
A: Yes it will, though much of the benefit comes from consistent daily action.
Q: Will it still work if you do it any other time than morning?
A: Absolutely. I love to do it then because it sets me up for feeling great the entire day, but if it doesn’t fit your schedule, doing it after work or whenever works for you will still work.
Q: I’m out of shape. Is this an advanced program or can I get started on it?
A: While there are advanced concepts in it, this would be a great place to start for anyone looking to move and feel better. In the flexibility and strength components I cover advanced work as well but these are completely optional, and meant for those at this level. Everything is covered in ways that beginners can handle it.
Q: I’m in great shape and already feel really good. Why should I invest in this program?
A: Congratulations on taking care of yourself this far. I would put myself in the same category, yet I’m always looking to get even better and learn even more. If I can just learn a single thing that improves what I’m doing from a course in a solid way, I look at it as time and money well spent.
Q: I think I already know everything, so what will I learn from your course?
A: If your cup is already full then you won’t be able to take anything in. So you may need to empty it before you dive it. And it’s actually impossible for you to know all that is in here, because much of it is brand new stuff that I came up with and have never shared before. That being said I have given you a 90 day money back guarantee. Try it out and if you seriously don’t learn anything then let me know and I’ll refund every penny.
Q: I just want follow along routines because I don’t like to think. Is this course right for me?
A: I’m sorry but some thought it required to do this course. I created it as such for a reason. While much could be done in a follow along manner, and I do have the one video for that, that is more of an example that a follow along. This is because I don’t know your body, your strengths, your limitations, or your goals I cannot give you something that would work best for you. No one can, without working with you individually. Instead I’ve put together the best stuff I can and the highest payoff moves and will teach you all about them. From there its your job to take it all and make it yours.
Q: Will I feel like a billion dollars just from buying your course?
A: No. Some work is required. Although this is a low intensity routine (though certain parts can be made much more intense if desired), and it doesn’t take much time, you do have to do it to get the results promised.
Q: Is this course applicable to men/women/children?
A: Yes
Q: I’m old, have really poor movement and/or haven’t worked out in years. Is this right for me?
A: Even though I am young and have been doing this stuff for years I designed this course to work for just about anyone with progressive exercises whenever needed. In it I show you how to modify anything to suit your level. Plus this is actually the best thing I would recommend to someone like you for becoming “younger” and moving better, even over a “regular” workout program.
The one routine designed to get your day started and leave you feeling the best you possibly can. All this with a money back guarantee. How to Feel Like a Billion Dollars DVD Set
![]() If you don’t feel like this is worth every penny you can get a full refund no questions asked. If you order the books & DVDs we’ll ask that you send them back. Just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. This is 100% risk-free. All the risk is on us, as you can download it right away and take three months to decide if it’s worth it to you. |
“I’ve been going through your Billion Dollar routine in the morning and I’m feeling better and better every day.” –Vivian Liu