Mental Muscle Training Intensive Sneak Peek

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The Mental Muscle Training Intensive is my deepest dive on the topic of all things mental training. From a live workshop that took place in Austin, Texas you’ll deep dive into visualization, state management, anchoring, hypnosis, language patterns, internal self-talk and more.

Here’s just a few of the things I covered there:

  • Why is it that HOW you visualize is more important than what you visualize…and more important 44 Distinct Methods of HOW to do it.
  • A simple six question test to discover your Primary Representation System
  • How to Speedread People through their Eyes and Mouths
  • How to Use the 4 Perceptual Positions
  • The Steps for the Basic Instant Exercise Enhancer and the Advanced Version
  • How People Mentally Encode Time
  • Activating Muscle Memory…That You’ve Never Had Before
  • Changing How Much You Enjoy a Food, for Better or Worse
  • The 5 Attributes of Anchors and the 6 Senses to Establish them In
  • How to Amp Up Confidence in the Gym
  • How to Amp Up Mental Toughness…and Access it Anytime You Want
  • 11 Methods of Inducing Hypnosis
  • 11 Hypnotic Commands and Processes
  • The Genius Movement Method
  • The Strength and Health Mastermind Method
  • How to Create Your Own Hypnotic Audio Tracks
  • 9 Principles of How to Crush Limiting Beliefs and Install Super Empowered Ones in Their Place
  • The Mind to Muscle Pattern
  • 9 Methods of Integrating Mental Training into Your Physical Training and Life

If you’ve read Mental Muscle, but haven’t put it into action, or just want to go far deeper, then this is the workshop for you.

Find our more and grab the Mental Muscle Training Intensive here.

Mental Muscle Training Intensive

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