Its not a barbell…
Its not a kettlebell…
Its not your training journal…
Its your body…
And I’m not talking about bodyweight exercises. Those are important and something I’ll be sharing a bunch more on shortly, but for now I‘m talking about something else.
That is using your body and the signals it gives you (if you‘re willing to listen). In other words biofeedback.
If you look at all top athletes, through their years of training they become very in tune with their body. The needs, demands and what they can do with it.
In a recent interview I saw with Steve Justa, author of Rock, Iron, Steel, he even went so far as to call it psychic.
But the truth is everyone get’s these signals. It’s a matter of making them stronger and more recognizable so that you can use them for your benefit, rather than tuning them out (which is what most people do!)
It will take some time. It will take some practice. But in the end the benefits will far outweigh the cost.
And if you think I’m only talking about ‘testing’ your exercises then you’re missing the big picture. That is a big step and one I think everyone needs to try out.
On that note, my friend Adam Glass is putting on his only workshop of the year in Minneapolis on the 4th of June.
I’m going to be there and I recommend that you do too. Whether you’ve been working with the gym movement protocol for awhile now or have never even heard of it, this workshop is bound to take you further.
Click here to read about it and when you sign up tell him I sent you.
In fact, I’ll hook you up with a one on one session on Sunday (limited to three people) as a bonus.
And we can talk about the next two levels after testing, as well as much else to get the most out of your training.
Don’t miss it.
In strength,
Logan Christopher
P.S. I don’t know how many spots are available or how many are already taken up but this is limited. Check it out now.