
The Results Are In

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment


I got over two hundred responses to my kettlebell snatch test survey in under 24 overs. As that is plenty of data to work with the survey is now closed. Those of you that filled it out should have received an email from me linking you to the video I promised. (If you didn’t get that email let me know and I’ll send the link again.)

It seems like I hit a nerve. Of those 200+ people 39 said they’d give there firstborn for it. I don’t know if I should be excited that people really want this information or disturbed. 🙂


And the responses were great. I’ve expanded my outline to about twice the original size. I may have to do a two DVD set rather than just the single DVD I was planning in order to fit it all in. My goal is to give you everything there is to rocket up you kettlebell snatch test numbers.

Just an update. Now I’m back off to the lab (read gym) to find out more on what works and what doesn’t.

In strength,
Logan Christopher

P.S. One person wrote in asking about my snatch test numbers. I guess I wasn’t completely clear in my last post so here they are in again. My current bests include:

251 snatches with the 24 kg bell in 10 minutes with multiple hand switches.
160 snatches with the 32 kg bell in 10 minutes with multiple hand switches.

And for those interested in girevoy sport (although this was over a year back and I’m sure I could easily beat it now).

150 snatches with the 24 kg bell in 10 minutes with a single hand switch.

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