All Downhill After 30

In Strongman Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Ricky asks,

I read someone say hypertrophy is very difficult after the age of 30. I was wondering what your experience with this is, and also is strength being built even if you don’t experience it…?

Do you believe everything you read?

First of all, no, I don’t believe that.

Is there some magical switch that occurs where you can balloon in muscle size up to 29 years and 364 days, but once you hit that 30-year mark you’re doomed to muscle wasting?


Sure, as you age things may get a bit tougher to do. They say that this is because of things like age-related decline of hormones, but I would argue it’s not the age that makes it happen.

As my friend, Peter Ragnar, says, “Time is not toxic.”

Instead it’s how well functioning your body is…and that occurs because of what happens during that time.

Based on my experience my ability to put on muscle now, at the age of 31, is greater than it’s ever been before.

How is this?

Because I’ve learned how to TRAIN to gain muscle.

I’ve learned how to EAT to gain muscle.

And I’ve learned how the MINDSET to gain muscle.

I’ll take this wisdom over youth any day of the week.

I’ll be honest Ricky, it sounds like you’re looking for an excuse on why you can’t get it done.

You seem like that type that goes into ‘Paralysis by Analysis’

That may sound harsh but sometimes the truth hurts. And trust me I know, because I use to be like that too.

Because if you’re not ‘experiencing’ strength, you either have no awareness of what is happening, or you’re really not building anything.

Sometimes the effects are subtle and it takes time to make a jump in progress, but overall making progress is the name of the game and should happen regularly.

Personally, I’m not all that interested in hypertrophy. I focus on strength and by that I mean strength in spite of size.

But if you want to learn how to train for muscle The Mad Scientist of Muscle is a great guy to learn from.

That’s cover the training and nutrition in spades.

As for the mindset, I’ve gained mass before to prove that I can, and using this hypnosis was a big part of that.

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