Baseball Grip Training

In Strongman Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

I wanted to let you know about a resource my friend Jedd Johnson just came out with.

It’s called Ultimate Forearm Training for Baseball. But the truth is it’s much more than that.

While it is targeted for baseball players, with sport specific exercises and training tools, the majority of the information could be used by anyone wanted to get stronger hands and grip.

While it’s targeted towards the hands and forearms the truth is there is plenty of information and exercises and full body training.

If you play baseball I’d say this is a must. But if you don’t it’s still worth checking out.

I haven’t read the entire thing as it’s over 400 pages (and that doesn’t even include the bonuses). If there is a fault here it’s that it would take 3 printer ink cartridges if you wanted to print it out.

But by skimming through it I was amazed at the plethora of exercises. Many use specialized tools but many do not. It’s guaranteed that if you don’t have some of the equipment, there are other exercises in this manual that give you the same work with equipment you can find (or make yourself). I’ll be going through it again to add a couple exercises to my current routine.

Plus one of the most impressive things to me was all the recuperative tools and methods found within.

I know Jedd puts out great stuff. This one is no different.

You can read more about it and make your decision by clicking here.

In strength,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Due to FTC regulations I must remind you that I will make a commission if you buy Jedd’s material through the links found on this page. But you know I would never recommend something that I did not feel was well worth the price. And to prove it to you here are two links.

Affiliate Link (I get a few bucks if you buy)
Non Affiliate Link (I get nothing if you buy)

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