Hand Balancing Mastery Course Details

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The Hand Balancing Mastery Course is made up of three books, one of which is How to do the One Hand Handstand which I talked about last time. The first book in the course is titled Handbalancing Made Easy. This is the book that every beginner should start with. It …

Just who is Professor E.M. Orlick?

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

If you’ve read the Complete Beginner’s Guide to Holding a Handstand than you were already introduced to this amazing man. Here is an excerpt from Handbalancing Made Easy, which forms just one of many pieces of the new course coming out soon. This covers many of the benefits of hand …

Hand Balancing Results Contest

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You can be a winner. A new copy of the Hand Balancing Mastery Course featuring the works of Professor E.M. Orlick, writings by myself, interviews with experts and more can be yours. I will be giving more details in the coming weeks before it is officially launched on the 21st …

Handstands, Wrist Strength and Pain

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Another question from a reader. And this isn’t the first time I have seen this problem pop up. Read on and find out what to do about it. hello Logan, well i have a question for you, after a handstand practice i get wrist pain over the back of my …

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Handstand Hold for Time

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Here is a great way to finish off your workouts whether you are doing just hand balancing or anything else by doing a handstand hold. Its really simple, too. Just kick up into a handstand against the wall and hold it there for as long as you can. Try to …

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Bridge Gymnastics

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Check out this video of some wrestler’s bridge gymnastics. [youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD56_U–TI0] Here is another video I took while I was at my gymnastics class. Let me start by saying don’t try this at home. It took a lot of effort to work up to this level. I didn’t jump into this …

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Professor Paulinetti in India

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

The following is excerpted from the True Art and Science of Hand Balancing about Professor Paulinetti. “Early in November, 1920, the word was passed about in the city of Calcutta, India, that an event of interest would happen at noon of a certain day atop the dome of the Empire …

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Current Attempt at a Backflip

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

[youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uja4_X-eoQQ] Just thought I would put up a short video for fun. Anyway, this is a backflip I did last night at my gymnastics class. I am doing it on level ground and getting to my feet so it is not too bad. But it still has a couple spots …

Underwater Handstand

In Bodyweight Mastery by admin1 Comment

Is doing an underwater handstand a good idea? Read below for that and other questions from readers like you. Remember that if you want your questions answered just email them to me. I can’t personally reply to all of them but I will post them for all to see. Here’s …

Make Haste Slowly

In Bodyweight Mastery by admin1 Comment

If there was a pill that you could take, that would immediately transform you into a world class hand balancer, would you take it? YES I would!Sadly, there is no such pill. Becoming great hand balancer requires work. Lots and lots of work. The problem is that the more you …