This guest article comes from Professor “Stone” Paul.
What an incredible state of cognitive dissonance we human beings live in!
We spend our entire lives trying to separate ourselves from the very same herd of which we long to be a part of.

Keep the cookie cutters in the kitchen
None of us wants to believe that we are ordinary. We want to think that there is something unique about our life’s situation even when we are stuck in traffic. In our mind, all the other “a**holes” on the road are just pointless obstacles getting in our way. At the very most, we view them as a cosmic test of our patience. Either way, we wish to self-importantly feel as though the world, nay, the entire cosmos revolves around us.
Yet, if we were to zoom out then we would quickly realize that Hummers and Hondas all look the same. That your car is just another dot polluting the city streets. That the sun is just another spec of dust burning in a vast vacuum of darkness. That there is nothing unique about your destiny.
This is something that we are all utterly aware of. What’s more, is that these are the thoughts that continually haunt our minds…that is, unless we succeed at keeping ourselves occupied with something else that makes our lives feel special.
Here is where the other side of our dissonance coin shows itself.
Call it intuition if you like, but no one can deny the fact that there is a force within us all that refuses accept the notion of nihilism. For even the nihilist feels that his own nihilism plays an important role in the destiny of the universe. In the destiny of both his own life and that of his fellow man.
Ironically, the denial of meaning gives meaning to the life of the denier.
So what does this all have to do with strength and fitness training?
You see, as humans, we are all the same in one aspect.
We have a mind. In this way, we are all alike…indistinguishable from one another. Yet, on the individual level, our minds are incredibly different from one another.
The same can be said about the various body parts…especially the way in which these body parts relate to our individual minds.
Some people are born with tighter sinews or thicker fascia. Others with denser bones or longer arms. The variations are infinite, and these infinite variations add up to exponential differences between individual athletes and the way they should be training.
This is why I laugh every time some online fitness guru claims to have “finally discovered the secret” to this, that or the other thing.
Perhaps the only true secret is that there aren’t any secrets. Rather, only the unshakable desire to consistently deepen the wisdom one has about his own mind and the way it complexly interfaces with the body it governs.
No matter what goal one is chasing in life, one’s entire mind and life experience must be taken into careful consideration.
Playing baseball, chess or both as a child all will profusely affect the efficacy of your training regime today. For better or worse.
Are you working as a lawyer or auto-mechanic?
Are you married or single, rich or poor, happy or depressed? Do you generally go out on Friday nights or stay home to play video games?
All these variables will have dramatic effects on the way you perform a simple bicep curl and how effective that particular technique will be when it comes to reaching your personal “bicep goals”. The good, the bad and the ugly will all become manifest.
If someone is trying to convince you that they have a system that will yield the same results for everyone who applies it, then I am sorry to say, they are trying to grift you.
My goal whilst writing “The Isometric Mind” was not to help the reader discover my truth, but rather his own. To provide the tools necessary for him to succeed at any of life’s goals, be they within the realm of isometric exercise or otherwise.
The Isometric Mind Course will take you on a journey through every muscle and sinew of your body and help you understand the way your mind works with each one. Then, you will learn how to use your mind in order to become the puppet master of your own musculoskeletal system.
So if you are ready to leave the cookie cutter in the kitchen, then follow the link below and start building a body with cognitive harmony instead of dissonance.
“You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We’re all part of the same compost heap. We’re all singing, all dancing crap of the world.”