Just a few pictures left from the Oldetime Strongmen University.
Have you ever tried to drive a nail through a board using your hand as the hammer? Dennis shows us how. I hadn’t really done this one before hand but if you want to learn how Dennis has got the DVD on it, How to Drive a Nail without a Hammer.
How about a little bending. Pat destroys JUST a Red Nail. Piece of cake.
My friend Tyler with a little scrolling action.
And myself levering a sword down to my nose. Usually I use sledgehammers for this feat but the 27 lb. sword had to be attempted. A little more awkward but since all the weight is not only on the tip its much easier than a 27 lb. sledgehammer would be.
That’s my conclusion of showing you a bit of what happened. What’s important is what comes next though. Applying the lessons and feats learned to the present and future.
In strength,
Logan Christopher