In this article I want to share with you five different big strength training lessons that have largely impacted my life that I learned from Bud Jeffries.
#1 – Mixing and Matching Implements
When I first got into serious training I was wrapped in the idea of being a bodyweight only guy. Then my friend got a kettlebell and I realized how much fun those were. A short time later I came across Bud Jeffries and bought his book Twisted Conditioning.
This was it! This not only showed how you could use different tools, but the fact that different tools were better or worse for certain goals. In that first book bodyweight training was used more for endurance, barbells for max strength, and strongman implements for strength-endurance.
And Twisted Conditioning 2, as well as a theme throughout pretty much all of Bud’s courses, took it to the next level. Here was just about every other training tool, and showing how they could be used for these three different levels of strength and conditioning.
Coming to realize that each tool had its benefits and drawbacks you can then put them together intelligently to achieve whatever goal you choose. To this day I use all kinds of tools, and Bud was the one that really got me started down this path.

Teaching Feats of Strength together at the first Super Human Workshop.
#2 – The Sheer Awesomeness of Partials
I had heard of partials. I had done them a little. But it was during that first Super Human Workshop that it really clicked for me. (You can see that video in the 4 DVD set Monster Conditioning: Foundations.)
In sports and life in general you rarely do a full range of motion.
Yet, with exercise, we’re told you should only do full ranges of motion. Don’t get me wrong. This is an important part of healthy movement. But what if, in addition to that, you maximized the strength of each piece of that range of motion.
That’s what partial training allows you to do. That’s going to give you more power in any range of motion. Plus its fun, because that’s how you can lift some incredibly heavy weights. It is a key component of super strength.
Since ‘groking’ the idea of partials they’ve been a regular component of my training.
#3 – Long Term Strength Goals
Bud said that basically the first time he set foot in a gym and squatted he set the goal of squatting 1000 lbs.
18 years later he accomplished that goal.
That’s dedication. That’s consistency. That’s long term thinking. That’s also going to take “breaking the rules” and coming up with new and forgotten training methods (like the partials being an integral part of that path.)
If you want to become legendary you can’t just think about this month or even this year. You must set your thinking to 10 and 20 years from now. If you train consistently during that time what can’t you accomplish?

Bud with an “easy” 800 lbs.
#4 – Paving Your Own Path
Bud has never taken the conventional path. In fact, it is conventional he’s probably going to go in the other direction.
While he competed in powerlifting early on, he moved away from that as he pursued that 1000 lb. squat. Not only did he do it without drugs and a power suit, but he did it starting from the bottom of the rack. This makes it harder!
With the kettlebell swing he decided he was going to do 1000 to 5000 swings in a single workout. This system of training became I Will Be Iron. This was far different than the 10 or 20 swings most people do at a time.
He’s also not fallen into the idea of doing what his body is designed for. If you didn’t know, Bud’s a big guy. But he does some bodyweight feats I’m jealous of like a one arm behind the back clapping pushup. He’s also done 1000 bodyweight squats or 1000 sprawls at a time. He can also drop into the full side splits.
He’s big and strong but he’s also crazy enduring and flexible too. Some people argue you can’t be strong and enduring at the same time. Bud disagrees and proves it.

Just cause your big doesn’t mean you can’t master your bodyweight.
#5 – Mastery of a Tool
This kind of relates to the last point. When Bud trains with a tool he doesn’t just do one exercise with it. Often he comes up with as many variations of it as possible.
Swinging a sledgehammer against a tire. Bud has about 50 different ways you can do that.
Want to do isometrics? Bud has probably done more different types, combinations and training with them then just about anyone else alive.
Using a dumbbell? Have you tried all these non conventional patterns like yoga moves, circular patterns, complexes and more.
While there is lots to be gain for a single focus, a lot of that path will be with variety. Instead of just always focusing on using something heavier, work with mastering the movement in more ways.
I could come up with another hundred lessons but those are some of the big ones for me. Right now you can get many of Bud’s newest and best courses for 50% off in our Business Partner Dissolution Sale.
Man, Im so glad you two met & u learned so much from him. U are BOTH awesome gentlemen & I wish u the best in the ur now, separate endeavours.
Hope to see more strength feats + training stuff down the road!! :]
#1 Fell victim to the 1 TOOL philosophy, multiple times. It is better to mix & match for maximum results. This said, you can spend more time with the tool(s) that provides most results, whilst filling in the gaps using other ones. *which u kindly pointed out in a much-previous post!
#3 Remember college days, and MANY guys hit the gym Thurs & Fri night. Why u may ask?? To look ‘pumped’ for the ladies. On Sundays, Mondays, and Tue the gym was practically empty compared to the “pre-clubbing nights”. Pathetic. I consider myself in a position to judge as I trained 4x/week, and NOT influenced by a damn clubbing schedule. Meaning..long term goal setting that goes BEYOND simply attracting members of the opposite sex, most of whom prefer cash o’er muscles most days of the week, anyway. Sad, but true
#5 Mastery of a tool – SO MUCH more work to be done in this department. Will let ya’ll know when I even come close.
Thanx again for sharing this part of ur journey.Pls continue to teach, inspire + train ur a$$ off 🙂