Indian clubs are different from clubbells, heavy maces and similar stuff, so the purpose and benefits of working out with Indian clubs different as well.
These clubs weigh only a pound or two and they are often used for weighted joint mobility workouts, but some say they are also very useful for recovering injured shoulders and finally we shouldn’t overlook the coordination benefits of Indian clubs workout.
Other than that, they really do not have that many benefits. Those can be huge to the right person, but having played around with them for a number of years I think your time can be better spent then with 1 to 2 lb. pieces of wood.
In his book Indian Club Exercises, Sim Kehoe pointed out that except from invalids, women and children, you should be using something heavier in range of ten to fifteen pounds which will give you much more benefits in terms of strength, leverage factor and even better coordination. I agree with his opinion.
Hey Logan,
I use the 1, 3, & 5 lb. Indian clubs almost daily for shoulder mobility and I always use them as part of a light warmup before a KB workout. I’ve already had one shoulder scoped for A/C joint and rotator issues, so I find the IC helpful as a form of pre-hab and preventative maintenance moving forward.
If it’s working well for you keep at it! Those are exactly the benefits they can provide.