Kettlebells and Arm Wrestling

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin3 Comments

Thought I’d go into another question today. This one is from Olof in Sweden Hi Logan I really like your blog and all you put in to your different sites. By occasion the former 5 time world champion master in Arm wrestling com by my small shop ( its so …

New Kettlebell Juggling Site

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

I have a new website up that I think you might want to check out. Often times when I train outside at the park or beach I am doing one of three things. Hand balancing, tumbling moves and kettlebell juggling. Kettlebell juggling is another fun way to get stronger and …

Kettlebell Juggling Website is Live

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

There’s a whole new website up. This one’s all about kettlebell juggling. As you may know I think kettlebell juggling is one of the most fun ways to get stronger and better conditioned. And I’ve gotten pretty good at it over the years. The site is at Nice name, …

Kettlebell Juggling Anyone One?

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

One of my favorite ways to use a kettlebell is just to throw it around. A series of flips, catches, spins and whatnot will have you huffing and puffing in no time. Not to mention it hits just about every muscle and at odd angles. Don’t be surprised if you …

What's a Kettlebell for?

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin2 Comments

I was pleasantly surprised that Steve Cotter was at the seminar. Got to talk to him and hear his side of the story. A lot of what he said made sense. No one can deny his incredible strength.The way he sees it the kettlebell is made for repetition lifting. There …

Correct Kettlebell Lifting Technique

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin1 Comment

I have practiced some GS (girevoy sport) techniques previously. Some of the basic stuff like corkscrewing your arm downward. Although my swings and snatches were rarely done with maximum tension, I now know that what I was doing was pretty far from the real techniques used in kettlebell lifting competitions. …

Different Kettlebell Styles

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Tomorrow I will be attending the American Kettlebell Club Certification under World-Champion Girevik Valery Federenko. For those of you who do not know, Girevik is Russian for kettlebell lifter. If you don’t know much about kettlebells read my article What is a Kettlebell and Why Use One? I am not sure …