Challenge Workouts

In Mental Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

The majority of the time you should be content to make small jumps improving in your workouts. Great progress over time is made by these small steps.

But once every so often its great to challenge yourself. Doing a workout that is longer and tougher than the normal fare.

Over the years I’ve done many of these of all different types. Like the Ultimate Royal Court Challenge. Or a 1000 rep kettlebell snatch test.

These workouts are always grueling and tend to stick with you for some time, even if you never doing something like it again. And you’ll always be paying for it in soreness then next day.

Above all else these challenges are a battle of mental toughness. Its so easy to give up and quit and takes so much effort to keep on going.

One reason I bring this up is that for those celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow may find themselves with extra time on their hands (I suppose unless you’re doing the cooking). And that time can be put to good use in a challenge workout.

Afterall, you can put to good use all the food you’ll be eating in repairing your body.

If you take up a challenge or have done some great ones in the past I’d love to hear about it.

In strength,
Logan Christopher

P.S. On a different note, there’s a new feat of strength page on the site, this one on phonebook tearing.

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