Double Kettlebell Snatch x 100

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Whew! This one was tough…

100 double snatches with the 24kg kettlebells.

Although the same amount of “work” as the 150 reps with double 16 kg’s, this was harder.

It is also the same amount of “work” as my goal of of 100 reps in the single snatch with the 48kg kettlebell.

Work, in this sense, meaning force x distance. That doesn’t mean they’re equally hard though.

Using the 48kg will be a tougher challenge, but having hit this sub-goal of mine, just indicates I’m one step closer…and not very far off now.

I’m still feeling a bit drained from this one almost an hour later. But as I’m about to head out for a week long vacation, I like to do these “test” workouts right before I go.

There will be no access to kettlebells so I’ll use that time to recover from this workout.

Happy to report that my hands held up 100% on this one.

Less than a month from my kettlebell competition…

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