Feats of Strength Resource

In Strongman Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Feats of strength are not just for show. Many of them prove to be great exercises to include in your everyday workouts.

Others are only really useful to impress a crowd. An application of what your training has done for you.

Regardless of what you use them for or even if you just like to hear about them I got a new page you’ll becoming to again and again.

Its only just started, with several feats of the various types of bending listed, but you can see that this will become a one-stop resource for all feats of strength. Much more will be added to the pages already made.

Not only will there be helpful tips and guidelines on how to perform many of them but pictures and videos too. My goal is to make every page multi-media.

Over the next several months the feats of strength page will be filled up. Of course, I’ll be letting you know when new ones are posted.

And if you want me to cover any that aren’t already listed (its certainly not a comprehensive list…yet) just reply to this email.

Feats of Strength

In strength,
Logan Christopher

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