This podcast covers the Super Human Workshop that just occurred in Tallahassee, Florida this past weekend.
- The value of hands-on small group workshops
- A new form of mobility work better than any other?
- 3 kinds of isometrics and how to use them
- Modelling the mindset of elite level liftes
- A forgotten aspect of athleticism that isn’t often trained
- And more
The Super Human Training Workshop is Bud Jeffries and my flagship event. This may have been our best one yet (it’s hard to say cause they’re all so good!) For more details on next years and to get the videos from this one go here.
Click here to access the complete transcript.
Cool man… very interesting recap indeed! And especially since I was basically Bending & Breaking Steel with Noah for the FIRST 2 full days non-stop… I actually missed a LOT of info when I think back about it all and hear you talk about it right here on this Podcast…
I must Re-check the DVD’s out once again to really soak up and observe ALL the information that Both You, Bud & Dru covered at the workshop!
Interesting enuff though, I did get everything from Eric’s presentations there, and I basically had a Private 1-on-1 Unbraced Bending & Breaking Coaching Sessions with Noah during the workshop… Which was something that I was looking forward to VERY much and with Great Patience!
NO disrespect to any of you dudes though, as I definitely learned and observed a TON from you 3 as well (You, Bud & Dru that is), but I just had to get that 1-on-1 coaching from Noah personally… So now that that is done and over with… I’m very much looking forward to the DVD’s of this Workshop and to Dive into ALL the info once again, and THIS time taking a TON of notes as well! 😀
BTW Logan, Speaking of Certifications that you mention in this Podcast… WHY didn’t we get one this time? And What do you mean by Certifications in the future? Like the ones where you have to go through certain types of Physical, Emotional & Mental Tests? Or do you mean something else entirely with “Certifications”?!
Whatever the case may be, I’m Definitely looking forward to it and I’ll be there as well, Guarenfuckinteed my friend – 100%!
Looking forward to meeting you once again in person and talk some more Training and Online Business as well! Because THIS time I had so much good shit to talk about with Noah, Dru, Eric & Bud, that I didn’t have the time to really talk to you in-depth on what I truly wanted to talk about… But I’ll be in contact with you on all of the good stuff that I( want to discuss in the future, so it’s all good! As always, I had a TON of Ferocious FUN at the workshop – as usual!
It’s very difficult for me to return to the LESSER fun and basic part of it all right now though… which is the Entrepreneur’s lifestyle and online business… But I gotta hustle to make the $$$$$ to attend the next workshop and live the life that I WANT to live with the FREEDOM that is attached to it as well… Everyone gotta hustle!
I’ll see you at the next workshop, Logan! Untill then, comrade!
BTW… 2 more things as well!
When it comes down to the Iron Mind Gold Nail and the Unique Super Ferociouisly Strong Individuals that have succesfully bend it… The other 2 dudes NEXT to Noah that have bended one succesfully, and Noah confirmed this as well to me personally back at the Workshop… are Paul Knight & Justin Straussner… Although they Killed the Gold Nail in DOUBLE Wraps and NOT Iron Mind Wraps whatsoever… In my Book, and in Noah’s Book as well, it’s STILL very impressive and incredible Unbraced Bending Power & Might!
But aside from Noah, Paul & Jusin… Naah there isn’t anyone else as far as I personally know… Although I’m pretty damn sure that Both Dennis Rogers, Chris Rider & Pat Povilaitis can get one as well!
Here are the video’s of both Paul Knigh & Justin Straussner bending and MANGLING the IM Gold Nail, check it out if you haven’t yet, my friend:
Paul Knight bending the Gold Nail in Double Wraps!
Justin Straussner bending the Gold Nail in Double Wraps!
Next to that, I ALSO am planning to DESTROY one and Certify on BOTH the Red Nail & the Gold Nail BEFORE the end of 2015/ beginning of 2016… And guess what? I WILL succeed innit! There’s NO other option whatsoever! 😀
And especially since I got some major advices, tips and techniques from Noah, NOW I know that it will go down no matter what! It’s just a matter of more training time under my belt and getting stronger and more Ferocious in my Training…. that’s all there is to it!