Not a whole lot of action this week, as I was busy filming for the new Strengthen Your Structure course, which will be coming as part of the new Strength Health Mind Power Inner Circle. (If you’ve never filmed exercise videos before it can be quite intensive even just demonstrating the exercises, especially if you have some tough stuff to show. In any case its lots of volume.) That took up a few days getting me away from my normal workouts. Add to that I felt like I needed significantly more recovery time than normal after the strongman competition and the thousand pound bridge, it hasn’t been the most productive couple of weeks in my gym.
I did make some solid progress in the one arm chinnup progression I’m working on. I’ve made it more gradual than I even approached it before and I’m moving right along with the steps.

More new gradual progression uses 10 steps instead of 5 shown here. More details on this exercise can be found in my book.
After doing some belief work (also covered in a future issues of Strength Health Mind Power Inner Circle) I’m going to focusing hard on one of my weaknesses, heavy squats. I just got started doing the most difficult form, starting from the bottom position like Bud teaches. My legs are still a bit sore 3 days after and I started easy! I’ll definitely be sharing more videos later.
I also started doing heavy swings again. Unfortunately kettlebells aren’t heavy enough for me anymore, unless doing higher repetitions. But the Plateau Buster Swing Handle from Strongergrip allows me to do much more. I did a few of these and was surprised that I forgot how awesome they were. My abs were taxed in doing the swings. My traps were super sore the next few days. They most certainly contributed to my leg soreness along with the squats. And it was only 150 lbs for three sets and a total of 50 reps. I’ll be sure to shoot some video next time.
hi man,
I have a q: Do one-arm chinups work the forearms as well as kettlebells??
I feel like the 2 arm version (which I’m stuck at) doesnt fit the bill when it comes to grip strength and forearm muscle density..
As well as kettlebells, its hard to say. They certainly take more grip strength then normal pullups. You can do just one arm hangs or throw a towel over the bar for more challenge too.
thanks. will give those a try!!