Squat Flexibility Biomechanics

In Uncategorized by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Robin asks an important question regarding squatting flexibility specifically regarding the back and biomechanics.

Hey Logan!

I’ve read somewhere that you are 6’2 tall. If that’s true, you are the tallest person that practices calisthenics I know, except of me (I’m 6’4).

I’d like to ask you a question regarding bodyweight squats. I can squat to full depth when I place my feet shoulder witdh apart and can keep a fairly straight back.

The closer I place my feet together, the less deep I can squat and the more my back starts to round.

Guys like the Kavadlo brothers just tell me to train that move and that it’s possible for me to squat deep with a straight back. In my opinion it is biomechanically not possible!

What is your experience? Is that really possible and if you can do it, how did you get there?

Best wishes,

Yes, it is possible. In addition to back and hamstring flexibility, a big part of it is increased dorsiflexion, which is ankle flexibility.

I often talk about this in relation to pistol squats as it is super important there, but it is also highly relevant to rock bottom straight back squats too.

I can’t quite get to rock bottom with a flat back with feet touching, but I can do so inside of hip width. I believe I could get to feet touching and flat back with more diligent and focused work. (In fact, this is something I have been working on a bit with 7 Minute Flexibility.) 

So that covers getting there. But there is another important piece to this puzzle.

The back rounding I don’t see as a problem in bodyweight squats. This is because without a large load on your body, it is quite capable of safely handling the forces in the spine.

You can read more about that in this article here

And if you want everything I know about bodyweight squatting then be sure to check out The Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Squats and Pistols 2nd Edition, the most in-depth instruction on the topic found anywhere. 

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