I received a great question the other day and figured you’d like to hear the answer as well. Logan, I’ve been researching and looking through everything I can find on Old Time Strongmen (Sandow, Saxon, etc) and I haven’t found this information yet. How did they train all these attributes? …
More Handstand Q&A
Gonna dip into the mailbag today and answer a couple questions. —— I had a question that relate to both my bridging, and hand balancing. When I do either, the blood rushes to my head very soon, not letting me hold either very long. Is this normal? Will it go …
Right Training Tools for the Job
I’ve received many questions about various feats of strength. Mainly what is the best way to get good at doing them? The answer is of course to work on the feat itself. There are other exercises that can build your strength and transfer over but nothing takes the place of …
Sig Klein Tribute
Video of Sig Klein Sig Klein has to be one of my favorites of the old time strongman. He was just such a perfectly developed athlete. And he did it all from weightlifting, various feats of strength, to muscle control and more. Not the least of which were his hand …
Why a Training Plan is so Important
In my last email I talked about how structuring your workouts can make a big difference in how you progress. Today, I want to talk about why having that structure there in the first place is a huge thing. You may have heard this analogy before. If you lived in …
Videotape Your Handstands and Acrobatics
“Whoa, that’s what I’m doing? No wonder I‘m not pulling it off” It wasn’t the first time I said that phrase and it wouldn’t be the last. Back in gymnastics I liked to bring in a digital camera to take video of myself performing moves. I’d leap upwards to do …
Structuring Your Workouts For Maximum Results
How you structure your workouts is vitally important to your success. I talking sets, reps, exercises, and workouts from one day to the next. There are many ways to do it and almost all of them will work to some degree, but depending on what you’re going for, certain options …
Injury-Proofing Your Ankles
A subscriber wrote in after the release of the Parkour Tutorial DVD with a warning. Thanks again Adam for bringing it to my attention. Tricking, Parkour, even gymnastics can be rough on the ankles. Sprains, strains, and broken ankles are unfortunately not that uncommon. In order to avoid this you …
Odd Object Lifting and Two Hands Anyhow
Added two new feats of strength to the site. They are practiced widely these days but if you want some true strength you’ll have to give them a try at one point or another. Check them out. Odd Object Lifting Two Hands Anyhow In strength, Logan Christopher P.S. And just …
Da Vinci on Hand Balancing
“Study the science of art and the art of science.” -Leonardo da Vinci Hand balancing is an art. Hand balancing is a science. Which do you practice? It is very helpful do break down what needs to be done with the handstand to make it as easy as possible for …
No Limits Coaching
I’m was reading ‘No Limits’ a book by Michael Phelps last night. I’m not all that far into it but one thing is abundantly clear. He never would have gotten to where he is without his coach. Sure there is a lot else that went into his winning eight gold …
Straightening Handstand, Wrist Strength & More
Diving into a few questions and comments today. “In the hand stand, and especially in the bridge, the main persisting difficulty is an inherent wrist weakness. In fact I observe steady improvement in back and shoulder flexibility, but the wrist is always setting me back!” Joseph I know your pain …
How to do a Cartwheel Article
This one is on How to do a Cartwheel. A simple gymnastic move that everyone should be capable of doing. Are you? I should of done this one a long time ago, judging by the number of questions I’ve had. But hey, better late then never right? It has a …
Parkour Terrain and How Much to Practice Handstands
Thought I answer a couple more questions today. Lots of them have been coming in recently. While I can’t get to every one individually I’ll try to answer them in these posts. “I always wanted to start parkour and didn’t know how to start. When I saw the dvd that …
Building Vital Power
What is vital power? Bernarr MacFadden, the father of physical culture, explained it as such: “Vital power is more than the capacity to pursue your work with comfort! It is more than the power of endurance! It is, as has been said, life itself! It is the force that is …