Have you taken the time to examine your posture lately? If not, now would be as good a time as any. Take the moment to stand perpendicular or sideways to a mirror and imagine a line going from the lateral malleolus (outside ankle bone) to the approximate point of the earlobe. If you have good posture, …
Pushup Variations
The moment that pushups become second nature to you and your body is the moment that you need to incorporate new pushup variations. Let’s take a stroll along the path of reasoning and explore how variation allows for the process of progression to break through its barriers. When The Going Becomes Easy… Variation …
Can old people do handstands?
One of the common questions I get from older gentlemen, like those in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, is if it’s possible for them to learn how to do handstands and similar gymnatics feats. To put it short, the answer is yes. Many of my elderly customers confirmed they learned …
How to hold a handstand for a long time?
How to hold a handstand for a long time? As you can see in the video above, I didn’t really hold it for a long time, but what exactly is considered a long time? For someone who is just starting out, 10 seconds is awesome whereas for others it might …
Beginners Bodyweight Workout
Want to start working out but can’t afford a gym membership? Do you feel like you simply don’t have time to work out? Are you just starting out in bodyweight fitness and don’t know where to start? A good beginners bodyweight workout is a good place to start. A lot …
Steve Atlas Seminar Review
This past week I had the opportunity to attend a workshop held by Steve Atlas. The day was basically split up into three segments. The first was the body practice. In this was a series of a bunch of bodyweight flowing exercises. Most were simple. A few were complex. It …
OASHPU Roundtable Discussion
Alex Zinchenko over at RoughStrength.com put together a discussion among four people, myself included, about the one arm handstand pushups or OAHSPU. This includes Paul Wade, the main responsible for popularizing this move in Convict Conditioning. Read How to Gain the One Arm Handstand Pushups
How to Progress to Full Ab Wheel Rollouts
What is the best way to progress from kneeling rollouts to full standing rollouts using the ab wheel? Most people can’t really do full standing rollouts, but kneeling rollouts are definitely possible for vast majority with a bit of training. For example, you can make some progress with rolling against …
How to Improve Flexibility for Squats and Pistols
How to improve your flexibility for squats so you can gradually build up to a bodyweight pistols (aka one legged squats) First off you’ll want to get to the point where you are able to do a full bodyweight squat. People who are unable to do it usually don’t have …
Insane Robot
My friend Tyler just sent me this video and I had to share it here. Dancing in any form always shows body mastery. This guy pulls off some stuff that just looks unreal. The bridging skill at 2:45 is freaking unbelievable!
Bodyweight Jump Squats
Anyone who strength trains long enough will probably reach a plateau, even with progressive overload. This can be incredibly discouraging, but fortunately the cure can be as easy as just changing things up a bit in your workout. One way to do that is to start incorporating bodyweight jump squats …
Explosive Bodyweight Exercises
Take a look at the corresponding video that reveals about 5 minutes worth of explosive bodyweight exercises. Notice the creativity that went into forming these exercises. Yes, some of the moves are complex for someone who is in the novel stages of learning, but the beauty in the video is …
Unilateral Bodyweight Exercises
If I was to ask you to provide me with a strength training related exercise, you would probably say something along the lines of a bench press or some form of a squat considering their common place within traditional workouts. In this particular article we are going to take a …
How I Do Biofeedback Training
When I enter the gym I have a basic idea of what I’m going to be doing. But… I do not have a written plan. I do not know exactly what exercises I will be doing. I do not know the weights, sets and reps. I don’t know how long …
How To Do It All
I got an interesting question recently on how to incorporate kettlebells, kettlebell juggling, bodyweight, gymnastics, strongman training, Olympic lifting and heavy barbell work into one program. In fact something along these lines is a common question I receive because it is what I do. Judging from numerous videos on my …