Whoa! This is just a sneak peak of what they best acrobats from China can do and one of many hand balancing tricks involving chairs shown in The Art of Chinese Acrobatics. That’s 16 people doing handstands on top of more than a dozen chairs and some other apparatus. …
How to do a Front Walkover
Many gymnastics moves go through the handstand position. And in this post we will discuss how to do a front walkover as shown below. This is a composite picture of Diane Robinson performing the move with ease. These are the instructions that come from Acro-Chat. The correct way to do …
Tiger Bend
I was shooting some video a couple days ago doing a variety of hand balancing stunts. One of them was the Forearm Stand. Prof. Orlick also called it a Tiger Stand. From the stand you can do what is called a Tiger Bend, but we’ll start with the stand first. …
Guide to Holding a Handstand Feedback
“After successfully utilizing the free ‘Beginners Guide to Holding a Handstand.’ I have decided to take it to the next level.” This comes from Richard in Virginia, as he bought the Hand Balancing Mastery Course. Smart move. I made the Guide to get you started in hand balancing because of …
Hand Sensitivity for Handstands
Was reading this book on hand dynamics just last night. It talks about some crazy stuff such as a third of our motor brain controlling just the hands. And by the fact that we have hands we are able to manipulate tools and thus build an advanced civilization unlike any …
Changing up your Handstand Pushups
In sticking with the pressing theme started earlier this week I want to cover a little bit more in this tip. Many people get into hand balancing as a result of doing handstand pushups against a wall. This was the case for me and I know its the same for …
Handstand Press
Another thing I’ve devoted more of my time to recently is the handstand press. While a normal handstand does not take very much strength many of the presses do. Handstand presses can be broken down into two main groups. Those done with straight arms and those down with bent arms. …
The Show Must Go On
There I was busily typing away, working on a future project, when my laptop started to make a clicking noise. I sat there mesmerized as it froze up and then died. Son of a… I tired several times to restart the computer but to no avail. A visit to a …
Diane Robinson – Contortionist Extraordinaire
From the November 1950 issue of Acro-Chat. Diane Robinson like many others has spent many happy hours working out with the gang at Santa Monica’s “Muscle Beach.” But her real training came from dancing school acrobatic teachers in Oakland and Hollywood, California. Diane’s ease of manner, grace of work …
The Hand Balancing Bible!?!
“When I received The Hand Balancing Mastery Course a wave of excitement passed over me. One of those feelings when I just knew ‘this was gonna be great’. And besides, it was said to be ‘the most complete course on the art of hand balancing ever written’. And I was about …
Revitalizing Handstands
Traveling down to Los Angeles this weekend. Just a quick 6 hour drive for me. It got me thinking about one of the uses for handstands. And that is ‘clearing the cobwebs’. Anytime you aren’t thinking straight or feel like your brain needs to be revitalized, after a long drive …
Routine for Abs
Here is a routine for abs especially for people who want to be strong for acrobatics and hand balancing. A couple of you went ahead and purchased Gymnastic Abs and that may be one of your smartest moves. But I figured you might be one of those people sitting on …
You Need Strong Abs for Hand Balancing
Let’s face it, you will NEVER become an excellent hand balancer or acrobat without having incredibly strong abs. Powerful statement but true. Have you neglected training this area with the same kind of force you train the rest of your body? I know I did for a long time but …
Changing up your Hand Balancing Training
Ever so often you have to switch up your training. If you come to a standstill and can’t seem to make any progress this is what you must do. For some time I was spending 10 to 15 minutes every morning practicing my hand balancing as well as few times …
Finger Handstand
Fingertip training is one of the less common forms of hand balancing today. In fact you hardly see it at all. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice it. First some words of caution. The fingers are small and fragile. If you move into this realm too fast, you may …