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Swings, Swings and More Swings

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

I have to say I’m motivated to do more swings. Read an rough draft of Bud’s upcoming book where he details his kettlebell swing odyssey. And just last night on the Super Human Training Teleseminar Series we had Tracy Reifkind, the Queen of the Kettlebell Swing. As I was motivated …

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My Training History

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin10 Comments

I got this idea from Josh Hanagarne. To write a history of my strength training and lifting. Beware this is a longer story than I normally write but I think you’ll find it entertaining. My beginnings I was a weak kid growing up. Very scrawny. More interested in computers and …

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Kettlebell Snatch Coaching Offer

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin2 Comments

I was only going to open this up to customers but I’ve decided to let anyone who wants in, as far as filling the last couple spots. Maybe you’ve seen my recent results about my work on the kettlebell snatch. (All multiple hand switches.) 250 reps in 10 minutes with …

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The Results Are In

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Wow!!! I got over two hundred responses to my kettlebell snatch test survey in under 24 overs. As that is plenty of data to work with the survey is now closed. Those of you that filled it out should have received an email from me linking you to the video …

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Paradigm Shift

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin20 Comments

Looks like this was all new information to many people (referring to my previous post) after watching my friend Adam Glass’ video here. Here’s one from Bill. “OK, I’m trying to get it here. A simple comparative toe touch looking at ROM after doing certain selected exercises/drills will tell me …

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Pressing a 44kg Kettlebell

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin3 Comments

This weekend they held an RKC in nearby San Jose. While I was not an assistant this time, my friend and I decided to stop by just to say hello. Great to get to see and chat with guys like Pavel Tsatsouline, Dave Whitley and many others. While I was …

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The Time to Train

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin3 Comments

We sent out a survey at the other week and the results we’re quite interesting. One of the most insightful questions was “What would you say is the biggest thing holding you back from getting as strong and enduring as you want?” As this was an open ended question …

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Circuit Training Ideas

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

There are many possible circuit training ideas. I’m going to list some just off the top of my head. – Pick three exercises. Do each one for a minute before moving onto the next with no rest. Repeat this all for five rounds. – Pick a strength exercises that you …

Kettlebell Juggling Interview

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin2 Comments

I’ll cut straight to the chase. This Wednesday I’m being interviewed by Geoff Neupert on one of my favorite topics, kettlebell juggling. I won’t hold anything back. And you can even submit your questions for the call. It’ll be a great time. Go to the Kettlebell Interrogations page and sign …

Kettlebell and Bodyweight Exercise Workout

In Kettlebell Mastery by admin2 Comments

Today I’m going to give you a tough kettlebell and bodyweight exercise workout. I first came up with this workout after hearing reading about Bud Jeffries’ concept of Yardstick Conditioning in Twisted Conditioning 2 several years ago. I wanted a way to combine kettlebell exercises with bodyweight exercises in a …

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Conditioning Concepts

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

How do you know if your conditioning is getting better? Yes its easy when you do the same workout over and over again. If you are running then you know you’ve made progress when your times go down. If you are doing a set of kettlebell snatches or bodyweight squats …