The Hand Balancing Bible!?!

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

“When I received The Hand Balancing Mastery Course a wave of excitement passed over me. One of those feelings when I just knew ‘this was gonna be great’. And besides, it was said to be ‘the most complete course on the art of hand balancing ever written’. And I was about …

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Routine for Abs

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Here is a routine for abs especially for people who want to be strong for acrobatics and hand balancing. A couple of you went ahead and purchased Gymnastic Abs and that may be one of your smartest moves. But I figured you might be one of those people sitting on …

You Need Strong Abs for Hand Balancing

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Let’s face it, you will NEVER become an excellent hand balancer or acrobat without having incredibly strong abs. Powerful statement but true. Have you neglected training this area with the same kind of force you train the rest of your body? I know I did for a long time but …

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Finger Handstand

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Fingertip training is one of the less common forms of hand balancing today. In fact you hardly see it at all. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice it. First some words of caution. The fingers are small and fragile. If you move into this realm too fast, you may …

Which Handstand Style should you do?

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Another article has been added to the site. If you have ever wondered what style of handstand you should do, whether arched or straight, this one is for you – Different Styles of Handstands. Be sure to check it out but before you do I wanted to mention something that …

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Bridge Exercises

In Bodyweight Mastery by admin2 Comments

This picture was taken over a year ago of this bridge exercise. I’m the guy on the bottom in the wrestler’s bridge, while my friend, Tyler, is doing a hand bridge on top. I call it the Double Bridge. You might wonder what possessed us to try this stunt. The …

Handstands and Hand/Grip Positions

In Bodyweight Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

First off I want to remind you that the New Year’s Sale is still going. Check Hand Balancing New Year’s Sale to see how you can save 20.08% off of everything. It ends Saturday so if you’re putting it off you better do it now before you forget.For today I’ll dig into …

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Death Defying Handstands

In Bodyweight Mastery, Mental Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

  Here comes another story from Acro-chat magazine. This one was written by Ray Van Cleef. Flirting with death yielded the “Open Sesame” to Inguar Anderson’s zealous desire to become a circus performer. His efforts to secure an opportunity were repulsed until he resorted to death defying stunts to gain …