It’s the fourth episode of Life in a Handstand starring Tim “Livewire” Shieff. This is a continuation of the previous video where Tim got an eviction notice. My favorite part is when he dunks his head in the water and the “dismount” after that. Those sort of negative pressing skills …
Walking Planche
Walking on your hands isn’t too difficult to do. Doing a planche is. But when you combine the two, and do a Walking Planche, you really have something spectacular. In this video you can watch acrobat Maxim Ivanov do just that. Just thinking about doing this skill makes my shoulders …
How to Do a Handstand Yoga?
Do you know how to do a handstand yoga? Don’t worry. It is not as hard as it sounds. In fact, it can be achieved with a few basic moves. Here’s how: The most important thing is to be flexible enough to get into the best position to do a …
How to Practice Handstands
Lately I’ve been having lots of fun in my hand balancing practice by working on many skills. The guide I’m using is Hand Balancing Made Easy by Professor Orlick. What I’ve done is to use the book as my training journal and write how I’m doing, reps or timed holds, …
One Arm Planche
The one arm planche could very well be the most difficult hand balancing movement out there. In this video you get to watch acrobat Chris Jones press up into a one arm handstand, lower to a one arm planche (yes it’s not perfect but it’s really good), and finally land …
Gymnastics Handstand
The gymnastics handstand is only one style of handstand, but probably the most popular today. It refers to a straight bodied handstand, as everything in gymnastics is about straight lines and looking good. This video gives you a few ideas on why this is and how to train it. I …
Claw Fingertip Push-Up
So you’re woke up one day and thought: “Man, it’s going to be awesome to have strong fingers!” Well, maybe that’s not the exact story. Maybe, you were upset because your girlfriend defeated you in armwrestling. Or you saw that video where the guy punches watermelon with his two fingers …
How to do Hand Stand Push Ups
There are lots of variations in how to do hand stand push ups. This video here gives you some details about what specifically you can do in your positioning to make this exercise easier or harder to do. IF you want tons more tips and tricks like this on hand …
How to Do a Hanstand for Beginners at Home
It’s pretty critical that you make sure you’re all stretched out and warmed up before you jump into learning how to do a handstand for beginners at home. You’re going to be using a lot of upper body strength for this, so make sure that you’re confident in your shoulders …
Doing Frogstand Presses
Just finished up another guest article for Kevin Knapp all about doing your first press up into a handstand. And this one focuses on the frogstand press as that is the easiest bent arm handstand press skill there is. Click here to read the full thing.
Crazy Leg Flexibility for Hand Balancing
This video showcases crazy hip and leg flexibility plus amazing hand balancing skills by Ricardo Sosa. Many people underestimate how much flexibility is needed, or at least is very helpful, in doing many hand balancing stunts. Now you don’t need to be this flexible, but improving your flexibility wouldn’t hurt …
Handstand on Rings
The handstand on the ground is fairly tough but easily doable with a little practice. The handstand on rings is much, much tougher. Here we have Jim Bathurst on the rings working on his handstands. What makes ring handstands harder to do? You can’t use your wrists at all in …
Different Pull Up Bar Exercises
This is an article I wrote for another site that covers different pull up bar exercises. ***** The pullup is one of the classic tests of a person’s strength. Generally if a man can’t do at least one he’s regarded as weak and not a real man. And if a …
Shipping Error Means You Save
Normally I have a facility I’ve hired to ship out the books that can be ordered on my website. Unfortunately a new shipment of books got sent to my home address instead. These are the Brand New copies of Professor Orlick’s three books. I’ve got 30 of the first one …
Bridge Acrobatics and Tree Climbing
The acrobatics start around the 2:30 mark. They do some bridging acrobatics. This is different from the gymnastic or wrestler bridging exercises, but instead involve some tumbling, hanging, and handstands on a bridge. This is followed up by some interested tree climbing. Instead of going up the base they start …