Isn’t it funny where the ‘AHA’ moments strike? A couple months back, I was at a marketing seminar. The speaker was talking about feedback systems, specifically his hobby of creating audio speakers, and how this related to marketing. Well, just the previous day I had been filming Module 5 of …
What is Mobility?
Mobility. Undoubtedly, you’ve heard this word before. The definition is: “the ability to move or be moved freely and easily.” That’s a pretty good definition…though maybe not defined as clearly as could be useful. One of my favorite things I learned from Frankie Faires: how he talked about athletic qualities. …
The Benefits of EXTENDED Sleep
Yesterday, we talked a bit about the drawbacks of poor sleep. And we could go much, much further on these (blood sugar disregulation leading to weight gain, heart problems, depression, etc.) But today, I want to talk about something more fun… The benefits of extended sleep. And while extension of …
Does Lack of Sleep Sap Strength?
Not really, or at least not immediately. A study titled “The acute effects of twenty-four hours of sleep loss on the performance of national-caliber male collegiate weightlifters” stated that: “These data suggest that 24 hours of sleep loss has no adverse effects on weightlifting performance.” Essentially, you’ll be just as …
My Top Five Sleep Tips
A quick run through of my top five sleep sleep tips that can help boost your quality of sleep. Watch the video and read below. Belief Do you believe you’re good at sleeping? Do you believe your bad at sleeping? You may be thinking that belief doesn’t have anything to …
How to Fix Niggling Pains
As I started up back in doing handstand pushups the other day, I noticed something. My right shoulder was not feeling 100%. The truth is I wouldn’t even call it “pain”. That’s too strong of a word. But “niggling” is about right. It means: “cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, …
How to Avoid getting Broken from a Program
This is a really important concept that I hope you ‘grok’. What I see is so many people never achieve the strength or fitness they desire, because injury gets in the way. Jeff, a new Strength Health Mind Power Inner Circle Member, wrote in saying: “For me, right now, that …
My Favorite Mobility Drills
In this video, I walk you through some of my favorite mobility drills: When it comes to something being a favorite, there are several ways you could label it that. It may be something you’re good at. It may be something you like doing. Or it may be something you …
3 Most Common Injuries…
I was reading the latest issue of Milo from Ironmind this past week. One sentence from and article by Mike Waller, Ph.D., C.S.C.S, NSCA-CPT caught my eye: “Reviewing articles that cover the most common injury sites for a given sport is recommended, so that the top three areas of concern …
I’m like an 18 year old girl selling weight loss?
A couple weeks ago, I sent out an article about fixing osteoarthritis that was based on a customer asking me about the topic. In case you missed it, you can find it on the blog here. Overall, there was great feedback on it. But I also got one guy that …
Walking may kill you faster…
A new study just came out showing that walking may not be so great for you…if you are doing it in a polluted area. This study was from the Lancet, titled “Respiratory and cardiovascular responses to walking down a traffic-polluted road compared with walking in a traffic-free area in participants …
Clay, Aluminum and Alzheimer’s
A couple weeks ago I sent out an email about the benefits of eating various types of clays, which was one of the tips inside of 101 Advanced Steps to Radiant Health. I got a response from a man named Dan, which began a thread, that I figured you might …
Strength is a Skill (What does this mean?)
What does it mean when you hear strength is a skill? This quote, originally from Pavel Tsatsouline, changed how I viewed strength. I read through his book, The Naked Warrior, applied some of the techniques and was instantly stronger. That had never happened before, and it instantly opened my eyes …
Fixing Osteoarthritis
Charles asked about fixing osteoarthritis: “What about osteoarthritis of the knee? Your healthy your whole life, then all of a sudden this comes upon you and knocks you for a loop! The lovely thing about it is you don’t even know your developing it until it’s at an advanced stage …
Getting Woo-Woo…
Have you heard this term, woo-woo, before? Wiktionary defines it as: Describing a person readily accepting supernatural, paranormal, occult, or pseudoscientific phenomena, or emotion-based beliefs and explanations. (What does this have to do with strength? Be patient, I’ll get there…) Generally, this term is used derogatorily. It’s used as a …