Got a new guest article for you today. This comes from Mike Fitch an up and comer here online with his new site Global Bodyweight Training. Mike is a student of mine, ex-model, avid bodyweight trainer, and can do some amazing stuff. He also has great quality videos that make …
November Gymnastic Progress
I put together a short video showing some on the recent progress I’ve made in gymnastics. There’s plenty of other things but I don’t get everything on film. The first move shown here is a back lever on the rings. This is a strength movement that requires whole body tightness …
I’m Opening a Gym
BIG News! I’m opening a gym. In fact, I just need to sign the lease for a place I’ve been looking at. It’ll be a fairly small place but I’m not looking to run a hundred, or even twenty people through a class. It’s funny. I originally started my business …
Victorian on Rings
Here is a video of a great routine, even including a rarely seen Victorian on the rings at 0:08 by Stanford’s Peter Derman. Obviously quite impressive. These skills may be way beyond your ability but that doesn’t mean you can’t be inspired by them. In my gymnastics class I’ve talked …
Back Handspring Progress
The back handspring is one of the staple moves of gymnastics. It is a great move in and of itself, but its also used as a move to set up, and gain momentum for even bigger moves. It is also one of the tougher of the basic tumbling moves. In …
Science behind Parkour
I saw this video over at Gymnastics Coaching and thought it was worth sharing. While I’m not surprised like the hosts of the shows seem to be it is a fun watch. Want to gain these skills? Then I highly suggest you check out the Parkour Crash Course.
Hand Walking
I’m often asked about handwalking in the many questions that come in. Usually it comes in two types; how do you hand walk, and what to do next? Let’s talk about the first part. First a warning. I’ve said this many times before and will continue to say it. You …
5 Backflip Video
Progress has been real good in my gymnastics class recently. Here I wanted to show a backflip video of not one but five backflips in a series. They’re not the prettiest back tucks but they are getting increasingly easier to do. A week or two ago was the first time …
New Article – Gymnastic Bridge
Just put up a new article on the site that gives you some details on getting started with the gymnastic bridge. Click to read it: Gymnast Bridge.
30 Day Challenge – Done
The 30 day challenge is over. Just to recap, or for those of you that aren’t aware, this involved two parts. The first was to practice my hand balancing in one form or another every single day. To be honest, in this regard I failed. I missed a couple days …
Gymnastic Clips
As I’ve reported here I’ve started going back to gymnastics. My skills quickly returned and I feel I’m beginning to break new ground. Below you can watch a couple clips from Tuesday night’s session. First off, the back flip. I’m happy to be able to do this skill once again …
Indian Pole Gymnastics
I have seen some of these Indian Pole Gymnastics before but this video which was sent to me recently showcases the variety of skills quite well. Although most people may not be familiar with this gymnastic art it is well known in the area. The skills are similar yet different …
Running Transformed
Cast you mind back to many years ago. Were you ever taught how to run? I wasn’t. Running is just a basic motion that anyone should be able to do with some efficiency. For those who are so out of shape that they can’t run a mile, or a short …
Introducing the Yoga Trapeze
I haven’t offered many training tools on this site for one reason. There’s only a select few things that can help you build strength, hand balancing and acrobatic ability. Today I’d like to introduce you to one of those few things. This is the Yoga Trapeze. (Forgive the cheesy music. …
Hand on Hand Handstand
Mark apparently got this move from me (and I got it from Professor Orlick in the Hand Balancing Mastery Course), but the way in which he does it was new to me. Once you get into a handstand move your hands in closer to a touching position, and then from …