Here is a great question on the value of walking on hands versus standing on them. “Hey Logan I just now started to do the frogstand and I can do it for a long time. I’ve been learning the handstand and couldn’t find my balance and I can walk all …
Handstand Pushup Book
The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups is now available. I know a number of you have been waiting for it, and for the launch you can get it now for $10 off the regular price. Those who ordered during the pre-publication offer should already have their copies, or at least …
Handstand Tutorial
Here is a basic handstand tutorial. This will cover first practicing against a wall. If you are trying to go out into the open check out this article on how to do a hand stand. Holding a handstand is not an easy skill. It requires much practice especially if you …
Wrist Strengthening Exercises
An important part of handstands is having hand strength and flexibility so here are some wrist strengthening exercises. I’ve always had some wrist troubles when it came to handstands due to an old injury. And recently my right wrist has been acting up making even a regular handstand hard to …
One Finger Handstand
Is a one finger handstand even possible? Most would say that no human could possibly do this feat. But then most would agree Shaolin monks are anything but normal people! This video shows a 91 year old monk Hal-tank from the Sil Lum Temple in China perform that feat. As …
Great Rings Routine
People that have never used the gymnastic rings may know they are difficult but it takes a try on them to truly grasp the strength it takes to do an impressive routine. I came upon this video awhile back. It shows gymnast Andreas Aguilar at the 1991 World Professional Gymnastics …
Building Handstand Strength
A great way to end any training is to work on your strength and endurance a bit. And in this instance I’m talking specifically about in the handstand. Just kick-up against the wall and see how long you can hold it. Not only does this help you train the position …
Over and Underbalancing in a Handstand
“Hey Logan, just a short question on the handstand, how do you get control when you go towards under balancing ( I think…I’m new to all this, hehe)? Because when I over balance I just push the floor with my fingers, but when I under balance I just have no idea …
First Official Crossfit Workout
One of my brothers who was in town is into Crossfit big time and he convinced me to go along with him to one of the local gyms this Saturday. When we got there I was asked if I had done Crossfit before. My answer was ‘sort of’. I had …
The X Balance
I love this picture. Just how the legs and arms line up to become a perfect X. With the arms spread wide balancing becomes much more difficult. You won’t have the simple back and forth balancing like in a regular handstand as your hands are pointed towards the sides. The …
Give Me Your HSPU Questions?
I’m nearing completion of the second draft of The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups. And I could use your help. You see, Chapter 11 addresses all the common problems people may have when doing handstand pushups. I have a bunch of questions already from a survey I did awhile back, …
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups FAQ
The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups in flying of the shelves… …I guess that’s not technically true, since it’s not done yet and there are no shelves for it to fly off of. 🙂 But tons of people are taking action and ordering now. I don’t think I’ve ever had …
Pre-Sale on Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
It’s been a long time in the works. And its finally ready…well, almost. I’m talking about The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups. I’m making a special pre-production offer for the book. And you can get it for far less than I intended to release it for. Everything you could ever …
One Small Change = One Big Difference
I remember one day in 2005 when I was working out in my garage in San Luis Obispo, California. I was doing a circuit combining chinnups and handstand pushups (an awesome combo, by the way). I had hit my goal number of reps and sets in the handstand pushups so …
Planche and Hand Position
A few comments were raised about the hand position in Rafael Guerrero’s planche in a previous post. Why was he up on the fingertips? Is this necessary to do a planche in good form? Unless you have hyper-flexible wrists you won’t be able to do a planche with the fingers …