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Get Fit…Be Happy, Make More Money

In Bodyweight Mastery, Health-Mastery, Mental Mastery, Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Had to share this study I came across last week…

In a survey of two thousand people, one thousand of which exercised regularly and one thousand who didn’t, they found a few interesting correlations.

Those that exercised:

* Made on average $25,000 more per year.
* Had more sex!
* And were happier overall.

Even better, those on the higher intensity training programs were $83,000 per year, while the “cardio bunnies” made just $54,000.

(If you want to dive into more details a study summary is here.)

I’ve often talked about the multiple benefits of exercise. While this may not be a gold-standard study, I don’t find the results surprising in the least.

Exercise is not just about looking good. That is literally surface-level transformation.

More so what you do in the gym is a cauldron in which you can forge your character.

It’s a laboratory in which you can set goals, make progress, and practice skills that are transferable into any other area of life…such as your career, your relationships, your hobbies, etc.

It reflects that you’re taking self-responsibility for your body, your health, your energy.

I’m not saying that every “exercise fanatic” does this right and is an amazing person. Far from it. But it CAN be done right.

Not to brag, but guess what? I’m not just strong in the gym. I lead a great, happy life, with amazing relationships, a career with my own businesses that I love doing, a strong financial situation and much more. (Okay, maybe I’m bragging a little…but only for a good reason.)

For me, it really all started with what I did in my training. That literally turned my life around from a time period when I had none of that. No money, no sex, no confidence, no happiness.

What about you?

It all starts with the basics. That’s what The Master Keys to Strength and Fitness is all about.

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