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Myth: Bodyweight Exercises are Endurance

In Bodyweight Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Myth: Bodyweight Exercises are Endurance Way back when I was in my commercial gym and bodybuilding days (because that was the only thing I knew about how to train…and got next to zero results with) I heard people talk about bodyweight training with scorn. ‌“Pushups and squats are only good …

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32kg Kettlebell Press x 20 Reps

In Kettlebell Mastery by Logan Christopher2 Comments

The following shows a recent PR of mine. Pressing a 32kg or 70lb kettlebell for 20 reps on my left, or weaker, side. These are not the strictest presses on purpose. They involve both some side action as well as what I like to call upper body push press. Again, …

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Re-use it and Regain it Faster

In Bodyweight Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

The common phrase “use it or lose it” is one of those principles that applies to all movement. Flexibility is definitely one area we can look at it. I’ve been known for my bridging skills over the years. Whether this was supporting half a ton on top of my wrestler’s …

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Harder or Easier Pullup Form

In Uncategorized by adminLeave a Comment

In a recent video where I showed a new PR of doing 7 reps of pullups with 28kg/62lbs. I received the following question: “Awesome strength. Why don’t you try to add pauses in the top position, though? It’d make the exercise even harder” I’ll start off by saying that yes …

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Body Imbalances

In Mental Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Here’s a detailed question that has to do with imbalances, mindset and more… Hi Logan, My question is about mindset. I seem to have built up a lot of muscular imbalances, which seemed to become more prevalent since I had left big toe surgery. My history has only been doing …

Aggression in the Gym Part 2

In Uncategorized by adminLeave a Comment

Yesterday, I talked about how anger bottled up is dangerous to your health and the many ineffectual patterns people use misdirecting it. I showed how any form of fitness can be used to “blow off some steam” that metaphor actually being close to reality. What’s another? Specifically utilizing or even …

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Aggression in the Gym Part 1

In Health-Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Get pissed off! Let’s talk about channeling aggression… You certainly don’t want to take this out on people for a wide variety of reasons. But to simply bottle it up inside is not good either. Very much culturally accepted…but not healthy. For some the bottling up process comes out in …

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Full range vs Partial range

In Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Image from Should you be doing full range lifts exclusively? Or are partials useful? Rick sent in this response to a recent email on pullups… “I ,too , have had much experience with pullups. I found adding weight and getting super strong was the single best way to increase …