The gymnastic handstand or straight handstand is a more difficult move then the natural or curved handstand. For that reason I believe a beginner should work on the curved handstand first and once they become proficient at that then they can move onto the straight handstand. Working on the straight …
Biggest Hand Balancing Tip
I was hand balancing for a long time before I realized this tip. And when I did I immediately improved my abilities. We’re talking about almost doubling the amount of time I could hold a handstand. Being able to do multiple complete pirouette turns versus falling after just turning 180 …
Convict Conditioning
Today I want to talk about two different sorts of Convict Conditioning and which one you might want to try. I know a guy who recently got out of prison after spending just a couple months inside. We got on the subject of working out while he was there and …
Recent Results
A little while back I told you I was getting back into a regular practice of hand balancing. Well, its been a couple weeks and despite holiday craziness I’m happy to report great results. I quickly did the lead-up stunts found in the Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start DVD …
How to Learn Parkour
Merry Christmas! Regardless of whether you celebrate this holiday or any other this time of year, I’m in the spirit of giving. I mentioned this before and now its ready. Grab my new interview with Mark Toorock of American Parkour In just over an hour we covered tons of information …
A Rededication
This morning I woke up and did some Yoga. After about fifteen minutes I started my hand balancing practice as I’ve done every morning this week. But I have to be honest with you, besides this week I haven’t done all that much hand balancing recently. Life craziness plus an …
Hand Balancing on Twitter
This is last notice but I wanted to give you a chance to join the fun. If you’re on Twitter I’m the guest on a special twitterchat tonight. The topic…hand balancing of course. You’ll have your chance to ask any questions you want. All the details can be found at …
Two Updates
Just a quick update today. Thank you everyone for sending in your parkour questions. We got 16 comments on the last post with some great questions. And the good news is they’ll be answered. Just got to setup a date and time to do the interview. Look for that coming …
Parkour Questions
Was just trading emails with Mark Toorock from over at They’re the ones responsible for the Parkour Tutorial DVD we have available. I’m not an experienced traceur, though I recognize the similarities in the different arts of hand balancing, tumbling and parkour. And many people learning one want to …
Best Time to Workout
What is the best time to workout? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. But I want to cover all the different times to workout and the advantages and disadvantages of each. This is going to be individual to each person. Some people have tons of energy when …
Planche Progression
Here you’ll find tips on planche progression. “I’m 21 years ( physically strong ) I do need to get into Planche. Can you advice me on something to start with ???” Kenji I have not built myself up to doing the planche. Haven’t really worked on it much. But I can …
Advanced Progression
Here’s a question from Matthew on the difficulties and progression of advanced hand balancing skills. “What would say is the difficulty of a planche vs a handstand, one handed handstand, 2 man planche, how should I be progressing if I am fairly competent in all of these skills?” Each skill …
Planche Pushups Training
This question from Paul concerns planche pushups training. “From a beginners perspective, what exercises would you recommend to working into a full planche pushup?” That depends entirely on how much of a beginner you are. If you are really just starting out there is going to be a ton of …
Block Building Handstand
One very impressive handstand stunt is to raise yourself off the ground by block building. Start in a handstand with a stack of bricks or similar objects nearby. Shift over to one hand and grab a block with the other. Set that block down, shift your weight onto that arm …
How to Handstand Longer
Today’s question addresses how to build a longer handstand. “Is it possible to add 2 seconds to my hand balancing every week? If it is how long would I have to practise for weekly?” Lucy I think this is a great way to approach holding a handstand longer. Set a …