Happy Memorial Day. I hope you had a great time this weekend and on this fine holiday. While many take it easy on a holiday, I think it’s an even better time for a hard workout. Maybe even an epic challenge of sorts. There’s a new article on the site …
David Webster on Hand Balancing
Strength historian David Webster wrote this about hand balancing in 1963: “Few physical culturists attracted to balancing have any ambitions to perfect a first class act and top the bill at the variety theatres or on television, this has happened time and time again to fellows who set out to …
Taking Time Off from Handstands
Every once in a while you need to take a little time off from your training. This could be a few days or a week. Maybe a month while you focus on other goals. This is not a bad thing. Sure, you won’t be making direct progress during that time. …
Tumbling Tip to Train Relaxation + A Deadline
Today is the last day you’ll be able to get your hands on the Tumbling Course for the launch price of $49. After midnight tonight (PST), it goes up to $79. I know I’ve been mentioning a lot. But I don’t want someone to come after me in an angry …
The 7 Values of Tumbling by Loken and Willoughby
The past couple days have been crazy. I was amazed at the response to the Tumbling Course. Within a few minutes of putting the page up orders were coming in. The good news is if you’ve bought your copy of the Tumbling Course before today, it is in the mail …
Break-thru your Plateau
What do you do when you hit a plateau? Sometimes you just can’t seem to make anymore progress. You know, things were going great and you were progressing quickly then all of a sudden you’re stuck. There are a couple of ways around this. First you can just keep going. …
Cirque du Soleil: Kooza
Went to Cirque du Soleil this past weekend. The shows title was Kooza. As expected I was amazed. But I have to say it even exceeded my expectations. The show is touring through the eastern States now. If it’s coming nearby to you, Go and See It. But the same …
Yoga’s Scorpion Pose
When I was practicing a bit of my hand balancing last week someone who practiced yoga commented on it and we started a conversation. One balance that she told me about is the Scorpion Pose also known as Vrschikasana. (No, I don’t know how you pronounce that.) For any hand …
Hand Sensitivity for Handstands
Was reading this book on hand dynamics just last night. It talks about some crazy stuff such as a third of our motor brain controlling just the hands. And by the fact that we have hands we are able to manipulate tools and thus build an advanced civilization unlike any …
Revitalizing Handstands
Traveling down to Los Angeles this weekend. Just a quick 6 hour drive for me. It got me thinking about one of the uses for handstands. And that is ‘clearing the cobwebs’. Anytime you aren’t thinking straight or feel like your brain needs to be revitalized, after a long drive …
Changing up your Hand Balancing Training
Ever so often you have to switch up your training. If you come to a standstill and can’t seem to make any progress this is what you must do. For some time I was spending 10 to 15 minutes every morning practicing my hand balancing as well as few times …
Achieving Handbalancing Success in 2008
If you celebrate Christmas then I hope you had a wonderful time yesterday. If not, well then I still hope you had a great day. But Christmas means one thing is coming. That’s right, the end of the year is fast approaching.I have always found the new year is a …
Death Defying Handstands
Here comes another story from Acro-chat magazine. This one was written by Ray Van Cleef. Flirting with death yielded the “Open Sesame” to Inguar Anderson’s zealous desire to become a circus performer. His efforts to secure an opportunity were repulsed until he resorted to death defying stunts to gain …
Handstands and Scientific Balancing
It looks like the new Ask A Question section on the site is popular.You can let me know any problems you are having and I will answer them. Here’s one question from Andres (and he‘s not the only one asking this). Hi yes, I will get right to the point …
What a broom can teach you about hand balancing
Everyone has done this at one time or another. A broom is a common item but any long straight object will do just fine. Put one end on your open palm with the other end straight up in the air and keep it there by balancing. This is not very …