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Sanford Bennett

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Sanford Bennett, born in 1841, was most famous for growing young at the age of 70. At around 50 years old, Sanford suffered from a wide range of chronic diseases and many wrinkles made him look much older than he actually was. He tried to solve his health issues through …

Looking for Fat Loss?

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Many people who come to my site are more advanced trainees. And I have fun teaching them the most advanced stuff I can. And there’s also people just looking to get started and get in shape who arrive at my site. Sometimes I receive an email saying “You’re courses look …

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Q1 2013 Testimonial Contest Winner

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Every three months I hold a contest for the best testimonials I receive. The prize is your choice of $100 cash or $200 in product credit. This winner is drawn at random from the best testimonials I receive during that period of time. Here is the winning testimonial: “I love …

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Q4 2012 Testimonial Contest Winner

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Every three months I hold a contest for the best testimonials I receive. This is the first time I’ve done it but there will be many more in the future. The prize is your choice of $100 cash or $200 in product credit. This winner is drawn at random from …

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2012 Survey

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I’ve put together a short survey for you to help direct this site in the coming year. It should only take a few minutes tops to do and would greatly help me out. Click here to take the survey. Survey is closed

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Happy Halloween

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Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. This picture comes from the most epic Halloween I ever had, where we had a group of about 20 people involved as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with just about every character involved. Only a few of which are pointed out …

Tour My House

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I’ve finished my move up to Oregon and wanted to show you around the place. I plan on doing even more video in the future and most of it will be from this location.

Gym Owners Host a Workshop?

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Do you want to host a workshop at your gym? With myself and possibly some of my other friends? As you know I just finished up with my first big workshop with Bud Jeffries. It was a load of fun, all the attendees loved it and I want more. It’s …

2011 Survey

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Just put the finishing touches up on the survey. Go and take it now. This won’t take more than two minutes at maximum to complete. There is a single page and just four questions. Help me out and you’ll also see some of the possible direction for this year. (Yes, …

Mike Mahler

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We went overboard last night. In the Super Human Training call with Mike Mahler Great topics were covered such as: Why three meals a day is superior to six in multiple different ways The #1 thing you can do to optimize your hormones Why simple supplements are best (and what …

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New Banner

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I just paid for a new banner to this site. Unfortunately, I’m not impressed. But maybe I’m wrong. What do you think? Any graphic designers out there that would be interested in designing a new banner for this site? I’d be more then happy to make a trade for something …


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The site here is newly revamped. Its not quite done yet but getting close. Leave a comment below and tell me what you think. Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing, Logan Christopher P.S. If you’re a follower of my site, Legendary Strength, then this should look familiar to you. If …