I got a special announcement coming next week. And then an even bigger one sometime next month. In the meantime, a small tip for today. No matter how on top of it all you are, there will be days when you don’t feel like training. Today was one of those …
Wrist Strengthening Exercises
An important part of handstands is having hand strength and flexibility so here are some wrist strengthening exercises. I’ve always had some wrist troubles when it came to handstands due to an old injury. And recently my right wrist has been acting up making even a regular handstand hard to …
Advanced Rope Climbing
Last night I joined my friend Jeremy at his rock climbing gym, Planet Granite last night. I don’t have much experience with that kind of training but I always like to get out and try new things. Plus it’s a lot of fun. Before we began bouldering I showed him …
One Finger Handstand
Is a one finger handstand even possible? Most would say that no human could possibly do this feat. But then most would agree Shaolin monks are anything but normal people! This video shows a 91 year old monk Hal-tank from the Sil Lum Temple in China perform that feat. As …
Scissors Handstand
After most people, myself included, have some success with the handstand they want to move on to a variety of stunts, most of which are much harder. My advice, nowadays, is to stick with the handstand itself for a bit longer. Yes, you can always just work on adding more …
Progressive Conditioning
An important part of a complete training program is to do some sort of conditioning work. Of course, this can come in many shapes and sizes. Sprints, kettlebell swings and snatches, skipping rope, and high rep bodyweight exercises are a few of my favorites. And just like in any other …
Great Rings Routine
People that have never used the gymnastic rings may know they are difficult but it takes a try on them to truly grasp the strength it takes to do an impressive routine. I came upon this video awhile back. It shows gymnast Andreas Aguilar at the 1991 World Professional Gymnastics …
Building Handstand Strength
A great way to end any training is to work on your strength and endurance a bit. And in this instance I’m talking specifically about in the handstand. Just kick-up against the wall and see how long you can hold it. Not only does this help you train the position …
Strong Hair Pull
Over two years ago my friend and I first pulled a truck by our hair. It was a feat of strength designed to pay homage to one of my favorite oldtime strongmen, The Mighty Atom. For several reasons its been that long since we revisited our feat. That was until …
Over and Underbalancing in a Handstand
“Hey Logan, just a short question on the handstand, how do you get control when you go towards under balancing ( I think…I’m new to all this, hehe)? Because when I over balance I just push the floor with my fingers, but when I under balance I just have no idea …
First Official Crossfit Workout
One of my brothers who was in town is into Crossfit big time and he convinced me to go along with him to one of the local gyms this Saturday. When we got there I was asked if I had done Crossfit before. My answer was ‘sort of’. I had …
The X Balance
I love this picture. Just how the legs and arms line up to become a perfect X. With the arms spread wide balancing becomes much more difficult. You won’t have the simple back and forth balancing like in a regular handstand as your hands are pointed towards the sides. The …
Life Likes To Get In The Way
Life likes to get in the way. For the past couple weeks I’ve had family visiting. While I’ve enjoyed hanging out with them, spending all that time is taking away from other things. Add to that everything else that’s going on and training had to take a backseat…almost. Because I’ve …
Give Me Your HSPU Questions?
I’m nearing completion of the second draft of The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups. And I could use your help. You see, Chapter 11 addresses all the common problems people may have when doing handstand pushups. I have a bunch of questions already from a survey I did awhile back, …
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups FAQ
The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups in flying of the shelves… …I guess that’s not technically true, since it’s not done yet and there are no shelves for it to fly off of. 🙂 But tons of people are taking action and ordering now. I don’t think I’ve ever had …