I’ve been hard at work towards my goal of a straddle press. Specifically I’ve been working my flexibility, negatives and also positives from lowering. Here is my latest attempt from this morning, where I felt in control the entire way down (as opposed to falling at the bottom). Since achieving …
Pull ups vs Lat Pull Downs
Are you trying to work up from lat pull downs to pull ups? To some degree, lat pull downs and regular pull ups work the same muscles, but there are a couple of big differences between them. Check out this Pull ups vs Lat Pull Downs video and find out if …
6 Freestanding Handstand Pushups
I set a new record for myself. One of my goals this year was to hit 5 freestanding handstand pushups. Well, I didn’t do that, but instead hit 6. I might have had one more in me too, but I was too excited to keep going at that point. This …
Warrior Upper Body Video
Here is a guest video from Tyler Bramlett showing you two great, and advanced, exercises. The Muscle Up on rings and the Bent Press. Go grab his brand new Warrior Upper Body Training System here.
Podcast: Stronger Pressing
This podcast features my good friend and fellow trainer Tyler Bramlett. On this call we talk about all different forms of pressing. [display_podcast] The Getup and Press, a phenomenal exercise for shoulder strength and health Is the bench press non-functional? Why hand balancing is the ultimate form of bodyweight pressing …
How To Blend Bags, Bells, and Bodyweight For Extreme Gains In Strength, Power, and Conditioning
Check out this guest post from Travis Stoetzel. Back before I had my gym I can remember the good ol’ days of rolling around in my Jeep, AKA my “mobile garage gym” and cranking out some of the best workouts ever. I didn’t need a gym. Just some open space, …
Joe Bonomo
Joe Bonomo is most famous for his stunt performance, but he played a big part in strongman world as well. He won the “Mr Modern Apollo” contest in 1921 and wrote the Building Body Power book where he covered everything from muscle anatomy, breathing exercises, bodyweight exercises to nutrition (including food analysis chart), …
Increasing Your Pullups
Increasing your pullups is a fairly common question out there in the world. How do you do it? Surprisingly it doesn’t seem like I’ve tackled this subject before. Well the other day I received a question from Darryl as he was looking to do just that. He was planning on …
Podcast: How to Learn Parkour with Thomas Tapp Part 2
Here is an another podcast all about how to learn parkour, specifically what you training should look like beginner or advanced. It features Thomas Tapp a successful parkour athlete. This is the second part in a two part series. For the first part of the interview click here. [display_podcast] How …
Neil Sweeney Showreel
If you remember a couple months ago Neil Sweeney wrote a great article along with a video on how to get started in breakdancing. He just sent me his brand new showreel. To say it’s impressive is an understatement. As mentioned in the end of the video here is a …
Hand balancing bars
Not many people can start their hand balancing training flat on the floor. This skill is more easily learned by using some type of hand balancing stands or bars, right from the get go. If you are looking to make those by yourself and spend the least amount of money, …
Podcast: How to Learn Parkour with Thomas Tapp Part 1
Here is an excellent podcast all about how to learn parkour, specifically what you training should look like beginner or advanced. It features Thomas Tapp a successful parkour athlete. [display_podcast] The 7 Building Blocks to become good at Parkour How much time is spent on strength and conditioning versus skill …
Back Lever Leg Raises
This video shows an advanced back lever training progression. I call it back lever leg raises and it is a substitute if you don’t have a reverse hyper machine. Be forewarned that this is an advanced exercise and you’ll have to master the full back lever to some degree before …
Ab Training Tips
Check out this video showing you ab training tips and exercises from Tyler Bramlett. I’m right with Tyler in that hanging leg raises are some of my favorites. And that doing hundreds or thousands of reps of crunches are close to useless. The ab training progressions shown here are: …
Handstand Pushup Progressions
Handstands are a huge part of my training right now. And in this article I want to share with you some of my most current PR’s as well as give you some ideas on handstand pushup progressions. Let’s start with the videos. Here you have 8 full range handstand pushups …