It’s been a long time in the works. And its finally ready…well, almost. I’m talking about The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups. I’m making a special pre-production offer for the book. And you can get it for far less than I intended to release it for. Everything you could ever …
Broken Finger?
It was just over a week ago. I was doing single arm kettlebell presses. But I wasn’t just using one kettlebell. I was using two in one hand to increase the difficulty. Everything was going great until the last rep of my last set. I can’t tell you exactly what …
One Small Change = One Big Difference
I remember one day in 2005 when I was working out in my garage in San Luis Obispo, California. I was doing a circuit combining chinnups and handstand pushups (an awesome combo, by the way). I had hit my goal number of reps and sets in the handstand pushups so …
Chain Breaking
Its been awhile since I’ve added a new feat of strength to the site. Today that changes. Check out the new page on chain breaking.
Planche and Hand Position
A few comments were raised about the hand position in Rafael Guerrero’s planche in a previous post. Why was he up on the fingertips? Is this necessary to do a planche in good form? Unless you have hyper-flexible wrists you won’t be able to do a planche with the fingers …
Correcting Bad Handstand Habits
First off thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out the short survey. I appreciate you spending your time to help me out even it its just a couple minutes. I’ll be sharing what everyone said a little later on but today I thought I’d tackle a couple …
Training Experiments
Here’s one good thing about having an established workout routine besides consistency. When you’ve been doing things the same way for a period of time it allows you to take one variable and change it up. By looking at your results now as compared to before you can find if …
The True Planche
An older hand balancer recently sent me a CD full of pictures of himself and others hand balancing. There are some amazing pictures and I thought I’d start off with one of the best. And there will be many more coming posted up here. Without further adieu meet Rafael Guerrero. …
Increase Recovery By Cutting Volume
After you train there is one thing you have to do in order to get stronger. And that is RECOVER! Without recovery you’ll only train yourself into the ground. You don’t have to recover 100% between workouts but you do need to get most of the way there. In my …
New Blog Look
I’ve been slacking in updating the site and adding new content lately. Now I plan to fix that situation. So there’s two important announcements today. First I want to hear what you’d like me to cover. I’ve put up a short two question survey that’ll help me to know exactly …
One Arm Muscle Up to One Arm Handstand
This is from circus acrobat Yury Tikhonovich. Yes, it involves a lot of momentum but this is one of the most impressive feats I have ever seen. A one arm muscle up into a one arm half-planche into the one arm handstand. Isn’t it amazing what people can do these …
Overbalancing in the Forearm Stand
This question comes from Fady. “Hi Logan, hope you’re doing fine, actually I’m facing some overbalancing problems when trying to make elbow stand I find myself falling to a bridge no matter how hard I pressed with my fingers or trying stretching my legs and back. “Actually I’m good at …
Tuck Planche Training
“Hey, I’ve been working on my planche and I went from the frogstand to the tuck planche and I’m kinda stuck there, so anything you got to help would be appreciated.” Mike Without seeing a picture or video I can’t tell exactly how your tuck planche is looking. But most …
How to do the Frogstand Press
There’s a new article up on the site. This one covers how to do the Frogstand Press and it has a video too. Go check it out now. Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing, Logan Christopher
Vibram Five Finger Shoes Review
Meet the Vibram Five Fingers. These relatively new shoes are made to recreate the barefoot feel while still offering the protection of shoes. Vibram Five Finger Shoes Review It took a couple times being exposed to them, but I decided I had to get a pair. And boy am I …