I celebrated an excellent 26th birthday yesterday. Meant to get this out then but was having to much fun. Anyway… I got you something for my birthday. Over the years I’ve become known as something of a ‘bodyweight training’ guy. Its what got me started in serious physical training. And …
Strength and Skill
The more strength and skill you have the better you’ll be in hand balancing and acrobatics. You may be saying ‘DUH’ but this works on multiple levels. Obviously you’ll require more strength in order to do high strength movements like the planche, iron cross and more. Among various moves some …
Motor Moron Flow
The final video in the motor moron series. This combines some of the concepts from the previous videos on getting up without your hands and rolling around. Building on top of these basics you can develop more difficult skills. Try doing a random flow like this. Great for a warmup …
The Most Powerful Training Tool
Its not a barbell… Its not a kettlebell… Its not your training journal… Its your body… And I’m not talking about bodyweight exercises. Those are important and something I’ll be sharing a bunch more on shortly, but for now I‘m talking about something else. That is using your body and …
Rolling in 8 Directions
Another part of the Motor Moron series. There was some confusion about how to go about rolling in 8 directions. This video should clear that up. Basically there are 3 types of rolls here. Straight forward (and backwards) somersaults. Diagonal rolls commonly done in martial arts and parkour. And then …
Getting Up Without Your Hands
This is a follow up to my post on Don’t Be a Motor Moron. I received a few questions so I filmed some videos to answer them. This is basic stuff but for some people it may be exactly what they need to do in their training. More on rolling …
Don’t Be a Motor Moron
Motor: Involving or relating to movements of the muscles Moron: A stupid person Motor Moron: Someone who doesn’t have the basic strength and coordination to handle their own body The people that visit this site certainly aren’t your average people. Not everyone wants to be able to stand on one …
Different Difficulties
There’s just nothing quite like destroying perfectly good items in your own two hands. It’s a lot of fun, builds tremendous power, and can impress others. Today, I want to take you a little deeper into the world of oldtime strongmen. Did you know that one item is not equal …
French Hand Balancer Video
Here is a great video I saw recently of an excellent hand balancer from France. It shows a wide variety of amazing hand balancing skills. Hand balancing stands are used in about the first half of the video. Then a few other tools are used throughout as well. One of …
Back in Stock
Just a quick post to let you know an order of the Hand Balancing Stands is being produced and they are back in stock. They’ll be ready to ship out by the end of next week. Click here for full details and to get your pair now.
Amazing Weekend
Wow, what a weekend. This last weekend was the first ever Super Human Training Workshop. For three days Bud and I delivered a whole lot of top training information covering everything from partial lifting to qi training, health and nutrition to mental training, feats of strength to bodyweight exercises and …
Tactical Strength Challenge
The Tactical Strength Challenge (TSC) is a strength competition consisting of three events: A three-attempt powerlifting deadlift Pullups for max reps Kettlebell snatches for max reps in a 5:00 time period You can find out more at tacticalstrengthchallenge.com I had the opportunity to participate in my first TSC last weekend. …
Intro to Capoeira
I was at a competition this past weekend and met Adrian who had previous years of experience in Capoeira. I asked him to demonstrate just a few basic moves and he obliged. Enjoy! There are many different arts that incorporate hand balancing and acrobatics into them and each one is …
Plateau Buster Swing Handle Review
I’ve known Ryan Pitts for a couple years now. He was gracious enough to send me one of his newer pieces of equipment recently. And boy am I glad he did. For what I use it for it is pure awesome. You can pick up you own piece at Strongergrip. …
The Single Best Way to Increase Your Fat Loss Results In One Week
The following is a guest article. Some basic but very useful ideas on fat loss and healthier eating. I don’t care who you are, or where you’ve been and what diets or workouts you’ve tried in the past if you can follow this simple formula I can lead you to …