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How to Be Breathed

In Bodyweight Mastery, Health-Mastery, Kettlebell Mastery, Mental Mastery, Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

“Be Breathed” is a concept I learned many years ago from Scott Sonnon. It is the idea of the movement breathing you, rather than you breathing…even unconsciously. If you missed the previous video and post, that covers the difference between anatomic (or natural) breathing and paradoxical breathing. You must understand …

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Breathing Principle – Anatomic vs. Paradox

In Bodyweight Mastery, Health-Mastery, Kettlebell Mastery, Mental Mastery, Strongman Mastery by Logan ChristopherLeave a Comment

Understanding the breathing principle of anatomic (or natural) vs. paradox is very important when breathing is combined with any sort of movement. This is as opposed to just sitting there doing breathing exercises. This video breaks this down in simple to understand terms using squats as an example of how …

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Quitting the Beast Snatch

In Kettlebell Mastery by adminLeave a Comment

Well, I don’t quite look at it that way. Instead, I am switching gears. For years, I’ve pursued the Beast Snatch Test, where I aimed to do 100 snatches in 10 minutes with a 48kg or 106 lb. kettlebell. I’m setting aside this goal…for now. I don’t see this as …