If you remember back to the survey I conducted less than half of my readers do some form of energy work. They’re missing out! But I can understand where they’re coming from. A lot of energy teachings are shrouded in mystery, way out there, and don’t bring much in results …
5 Forms of Mobility Training
My first introduction to mobility was the Naked Warrior workshop presented by Pavel Tsatsouline and Steve Maxwell. Steve led us through a routine covering the toes to the head. Most of it came quite easily. But I remember that first time trying to move my thoracic forward and back. Ha! …
Podcast: Barefoot Running Technique Part 2
In this podcast we continue in part two of the interview with my brother Zane Christopher on the topic of barefoot running technique. If you missed part one you can grab that here. [display_podcast] How to work up to a barefoot marathon Becoming more in tune with your body and …
How to Avoid a Plateau in Convict Conditioning
Recently I received a question on breaking through plateaus in Convict Conditioning (actually it was specifically about the sequel, Convict Conditioning 2, but the ideas apply for both these books and more). In this case a guy had a hard time with hanging grip work from CC2. Although I think …
Podcast: Barefoot Running with Zane Christopher
In this podcast interview my brother Zane Christopher on the topic of Barefoot Running. Zane has run been barefoot running for a number of years and has even done completely barefoot marathons (completed in 4 hours 14 minutes at Big Sur, and 3 hours 47 minutes in his latest one). …
Full Squat vs Parallel Squat
A common question about squats is whether you should only go on parallel or do a full squat instead. A full squat with flat feet on the ground is a natural position for humans and everyone should be able to do it. If you cannot get in that full squat …
Handstands with Unsual Finger Positions
This comes from Hand Balancing Made Easy. Before reading this book I knew of a few different handstand variations, but this book opened my eyes to so much more. This variation is like a step between doing handstands with hands flat on the floor and doing a handstand on your …
Types of Isometric Exercises
I received this email from Thomas regarding his isometric training and its evolution with a number of different teachers I’ve been introducing to you in the recent past. As a devoted student he’s been working with many different types of isometric exercises. Hi Logan, Bud, Steve and Stone Paul, I …
One Hand Stand with Blocks
This is a cool and fun video showing one hand stand skills with blocks. Go ahead and watch it below. You’ll notice a very straight line in Yuval Ayalon, and the shifting of the legs and weight from hand to hand as each block is removed or stacked up. In …
Excellent Old School Balancing
My friend Tyler sent me this video the other day and I had to share it with you. It showcases some excellent old-school hand balancing. All you have to do is watch this video, and those the say you can’t do advanced stuff like a one arm handstand, with a …
Is Running Bad For You?
Is running bad for you? So many people think of running marathons as the epitome of health. But is this really the case? Or can you be running too much? Like most things there is both a good and a bad side to running as I detail in this video. …
Sig Klein
Unlike most boys in his time at the age of 15, Sig Klein wasn’t inspired by a strongman act in a circus, but after reading Physical Culture & Strength magazines back in the 1900’s. Some say he was also inspired to start training by his father, who was a strong …
A Different Form of Working Out?
Sometimes its good to do something completely different for your body. I’m not a big proponent of “muscle confusion” but you certainly need variety to stop plateaus from occurring. And sometimes you need a complete break from what you’ve been doing in the past. Isometrics are a good opportunity for …
How Using “Proper Form” Is Setting You Up For Injury
The following is a guest article from Professor “Stone” Paul who you can also catch in this week’s podcast on the Isometric Mind here. Yes, you read correctly. Contrary to what everyone has told you, using “proper form” is indeed setting you up for injury. Yeah, I know it sounds …
Podcast: The Isometric Mind
This podcast features Professor “Stone” Paul as he talks about isometrics and how training them is very useful but altogether different than training isotonic (moving) exercises. (I apologize as there are a few issues with the sound on this one, due to Skype. The good news is that they are …